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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jan 2018 00:55
by WorldisQuiet5256
I just realize something, granted elementary. But without looking at the key piece, I wouldn't put the puzzle together.

The mnt guy, the one who commits suicide. He use to live in our Room at 000.
Key piece: how else did he know the code to the knob over our bed.

Second piece: his Sucide Note.
Well, not actually heard. I just read them on pieces of paper. I read that there were exploration teams. For the love of god, did he really form teams?-

- I never joined any exploration team. I never saw anybody. I'm not much of an explorer. If you tell me to do something - I will. But I see no point in exploring the infinity. Maybe that's why he chose me for the defsys mission.
Again, he never saw anybody. Moreover, the 000 room is just like our room in Sub 5, granted a bit different. I mean, how else was he able to read those notes about the Lab? Access is require in a physical sense.

So what does that make us, the player in Submachine Universe? Him, the suicide guy? 'Reborn' out of some sense instead of falling forever? Cause our actions in the SNEE doesn't start with us going strait for the cliff. So I wonder if the Submachine subtracted some of this guy memories.

This last bit is nothing but conjecture. But the fact remains, we wake up in a dead man's room.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 03:09
by Jatsko

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:26
by Jatsko
I've updated the theme ideas with custom wordmarks as well. Take a look and let me know what you think on the Wiki:


Rest assured the wordmarks would be in much higher quality than they appear to be in the above links.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:24
by Anteroinen
Hmm, I think like OBS and LAV the most. Maybe LAV slightly more, even. It is growing on me.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 10:01
by Augustus

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 17:32

On Topic: I fell the same as Anteroinen.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 17:41
by Prupp
Why are you taunting Apo, Ko? It's like you want him to leave

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 17:44
by Jatsko
@Prupp: Because he enjoys being a dick first and thinking things through second.

Fun fact: I post one update for a Wiki project I want to finish so I don't have to deal with it again and all of a sudden I'm a full-time member of the community again? Therefore I deserve to be mocked for it?

Ko9 this is why I hate communicating with you. I understand you're bitter about one of your inspirational models leaving but don't try to project your separation anxiety on an offtop thread.

@Ehnic: If you have the means to express your opinion on the Wiki as well, I would suggest you do so to have a solid record.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 19:11
by Augustus

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 21:05
by Anteroinen
Ko9 wrote:*General fuckery*
Ko9, seriously, what is wrong with you? Stop throwing a passive-aggressive tantrum at Apocrypha. He's allowed to do whatever he wants and he's also allowed to change his mind about leaving a billion times if he wanted to and do it on his own terms. His existence is not bound by your arbitrary considerations of what is "nice" that change from one minute to the next.

It's not like he made a big deal about it either, it was everybody else who decided that we need a farewell thread and all that and some weird psychoanalysis of it all. As if y'all didn't remember that every single farewell thread ever has caused undue drama.

Honestly, if you don't stop antagonizing a forum member, I think the moderation team should take some action at this point. This is clearly not you being playful and joking around, this is you purposefully trying to piss Apocrypha off.