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Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 12:46
by RuloCore
OK guys, it's been a pleasure to meet you all and talk with you these... 2 years and a bit, I think.

My time here has arrived at this end. Some days ago, I already said I was tired of this forum. More than tired, disillusionated. I don't share the same passion as you for talking about what you talk, mainly because now I'm in other forums and focused on other things. Even about the games. Actually, I haven't enjoyed this last Submachine as the sixth and the seventh, and that's because probably I need more, or I expected more, I don't know. Of course I will play all the following chapters, and everything Mateusz does, but only for casual and I will surely not involve in making theories and stuff, because probably I won't feel like doing it.
I never thought that what Gemini and Theta were feeling I would feel it myself too, but well, again, life has surprised me.

So, again, thanks for helping me, and having fun with me all this time, but I have to say you goodbye!
Please, I don't want this to be a sad goodbye, just remember the great times we had!

See ya in another life!

PD: By the way, I would want my theories to stay in the wiki and the forum, they're a part of Submachine history, thanks.

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 13:22
by - ak -
I really hope that wasn't an April Fool joke, Rulo :P if it is not, then I will have to bid you a farewell and luck in your envedour.

And I'm heading to work today, looking forward to that nice fat promotion!

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 13:22
by Vortex
Rulo, you're leaving too? :cry:

EDIT: wait, April Fools? *checks day*

EDIT2: agh XD

If it wasn't a joke, well... you chose well the day, since you joined the forum the 28th of december :P goodbye Rulo, we'll always remember you. And I hope you come back, at least for sub9 :)

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 17:30
by Sublevel 114
Happy April Fools, Rulo!...

But if your words are true... see you, CuloRore!.. LOL, I mean - SEE YOU, RULOCORE!:D

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 19:27
by WorldisQuiet5256
I didn't actually know him that much.

But Goodbye, its been an honor.

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 21:04
I not regret!


Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 21:36
by RuloCore
No need to regret, it actually was an april fool's joke :)
Hi again!

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 22:20
by WorldisQuiet5256

Re: off topic

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 23:51
by The Kakama
I fail to find that funny.

Re: off topic

Posted: 02 Apr 2013 02:16
RuloCore wrote:No need to regret, it actually was an april fool's joke :)
Hi again!
I now feel like xetroV when it was defeated the first time. :P