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Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:24
by Sublevel 114
Secrets aren't part of game?

Lol, we are like two arguing old men. XD


Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:25
by Vortex
No, they aren't part of completing the game, because they're extras. I already said that XD

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:28
by Sublevel 114
I don't want to continue arguing, because I feel myself as old man. :)

Let's close it and wait for DMT4 release.
You two miss too much by not being in skype... XD
essentially we practised every day, lol
Lol, what are you doing in Skype? :D
What Pastel forumers do in Skype? What are you discussing there?

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:32
by Vortex
Well, my point was that I said I had decided to finish Sub8 without help, but you don't need secrets to finish the game. But yeah, let's stop arguing. This time I will have no "excuse", so everybody happy :P
Sublevel 102 wrote:Lol, what are you doing in Skype? :D
What Pastel forumers do in Skype? What are you discussing there?
Well, we discuss a lot of things. Sometimes it's hard to follow the conversation, there's like 1600 new posts every day XD we normally switch topics, it's purely random. It's like a calque of the randomness thread here :)

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:34
by Sublevel 114
here's like 1600 new posts every day

Pastel Forum is dead then? :(

Can you post screenshoot or something from Skype's conversations here?
And why are you running from Sunday? XD

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:36
by Vortex
No, why do you say that?

Sublevel 102 wrote:Can you post screenshoot or something from Skype's converstations here?
Well, ok, I hope they don't mind XD


EDIT: omg, they just started posting after my screenshot LOL

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:39
by Sublevel 114
No, why do you say that?
Why forum is dead?
Because here is only 100 everyday...
Or I didn't understand something?

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:40
by Vortex
Well, but in Skype it's more like a real-time chatting. No average forum could reach such a number of posts per minute :P

Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:48
by Sublevel 114


Submachine is dream!

I am Sublevel 102, and I am saying that with all seriousness.


Re: off topic

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:55
by Vortex
You just unleashed Mateusz's wrath. What have you done. You can't escape now!