Give daniel 2 painkiller pills.
Dont give him any more incase of addiction.COMMAND: Ener: Give him your blue pills. :3COMMAND:
Ener: give painkillers
Fine. Take this MEDS.
YES! Oh traumatic pains, how I won't miss you from my head!

Aahh, that will kick in soon. Ok, the FUSE is beyond that NORHTERN WALL DOOR X?
I got a plan then...
1 - I can give you the PASSCODE so you can open that DOOR X
2 - You can get that FUSE from that room
3 - Bring that FUSE back and install into that DOOR CONSOLE here
4 - Then open this DOOR so we can resume... whatever we want to do.
Sounds good?
I guess that's the only options we have as of now...

All right. You and furry critter can take this MASTER PASSCODE then: