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Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 22:22
by Ancient Crystal
Sublevel 104 wrote:wow
I never noticed ten in binary is ten ten
That was slightly annoying to discover. Being so symmetrical, it would be far too easy to mistake for a regular, decorative pattern if I didn't use explicit ones and zeros, which pretty much ruled out a crystal-based avatar. Oh well, it ended up pretty fancy anyway.
Vortex wrote:also, 2 in binary is 2^3 + 2 = 10 in decimal

and 10 in binary is 10^3 + 10 = 1010 in decimal

Wait, what? Did you swap "decimal" and "binary" in that sentence?

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 22:26
Not for something are they called "Magic numbers" as Sublevel said! :mrgreen:

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 22:29
by Vortex
Ancient Crystal wrote:
Vortex wrote:also, 2 in binary is 2^3 + 2 = 10 in decimal

and 10 in binary is 10^3 + 10 = 1010 in decimal

Wait, what? Did you swap "decimal" and "binary" in that sentence?
no. I wrote it well. I mean that the binary representation of 2 is equal to the decimal representation of 2^3+2. And so for 10.

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 02:47
by gil2455526
So... We are going into sub-mode avatars, uh?
Man! Now that I have a job, I so wish Sub10 release happened in a Saturday or Sunday. Nov 20 also works for me!

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 02:54
I'll after it reaches 75% of progress, which I guess it will be this weekend.

I guess it will be released in December 12th, that will be Saturday! :mrgreen:
(Yes, I think like that :twisted: )

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 18:30
by Ancient Crystal
As usual with these pre-release periods, I'm happy to make anyone a themed avatar if they don't think they have the time themselves.

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 23:14
by Jatsko
It's been a while since I changed my avatar. Reminds me of when I used to cycle through avatars every week or so :lol:

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 23:22
by Sublevel 114
subgosh, I remember that poor dismembered statue

damn levelbuS!

ok, I should post new avatar related to Submachine...

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 00:53
by The Kakama
Sublevel's new avatar reminds me of the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Ep 2.

Re: Discuss the Avatar

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 00:57
by WorldisQuiet5256
Going Coraline on us, he is.