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Re: News

Posted: 17 Nov 2016 00:18
by - ak -
Unfortunately it exists. Yes I heard of it.

And Pence flay out hates abortion and wants to outright ban it.

And a lot of other shit that I do not like about Pence at all.

As much I hate about Trump, I hope he stay as President and remain unpredictable to everyone and hope it wouldn't be so bad.

Re: News

Posted: 17 Nov 2016 00:34
by Anonymous1
And Pence flay out hates abortion and wants to outright ban it.
At least Trump semi supports it. He said he supports it in cases of incest, rape, harm to the mother.

I think abortion should be left up to the mother to decide, and its her consensual and competent choice and she's not bribed or coerced into making the choice.

Re: News

Posted: 17 Nov 2016 00:49
by Jatsko
In that case it will be interesting to see how he interprets cases where a mother gets pregnant out of ignorance, for example having unprotected sex with no intent of wanting a child, that kind of thing.

Re: News

Posted: 17 Nov 2016 22:06
by budhole
Isobel The Sorceress wrote:You shouldn't be too worried about Trump. Politicians like him will say whatever to get the votes.
They usually won't do what they "promised".

But that's how politics has always been.
That's what it was like with Brexit. They were saying some pretty ridiculous things on the "leave" side leading up to the vote to pull at people's strings and get their attention. I guess it is more difficult to explain to the average voter the economic and political benefits of staying in the EU than it is to simply throw the words "immigration" and "terrorism" around as voter bait. But look what's happened now that the Brexit went through. Nothing at all... apart from an increase in xenophobic hate crimes and the gov stalling their asses off hoping people will forget all about it in a couple years time.

Similarly, I don't think Trump will do any of the crazy things he says. My current perspective is that he is just full of empty words and the things he spouts are just thought of on the spot to get attention and don't represent his true intentions properly if at all.. which makes me wonder what he's actually gonna do. He's not gonna build any wall, that's for sure.

Just my thoughts.

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 04:26
by Jatsko
It's almost as if we have to just wait until January.

Which no one wants to do, unfortunately, before calling shots.

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 06:41
by Anonymous1
Trump is Republican

Republicans control the house, senate and congress

If Trump wants to do something, there's nobody there to oppose him

We're fucked

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 17:14
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, enough of this talk.
Lets just get over ourselves and talk about something.
Instead of being repetitive and constantly saying the same thing over and over with different words.

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 18:00
by Anonymous1
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Okay, enough of this talk.
Lets just get over ourselves and talk about something.
Instead of being repetitive and constantly saying the same thing over and over with different words.
If you don't like the conversation, then don't post. Simple. People have a right to post what they want, you don't have the right to dictate otherwise. Go be an asshole elsewhere.

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 19:12
by WorldisQuiet5256
Gemini523 wrote: If you don't like the conversation, then don't post. Simple. People have a right to post what they want, you don't have the right to dictate otherwise. Go be an asshole elsewhere.
Me? An Asshole?
James Branch Cabell 1879 - 1958 wrote:The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.
So which are you: The Pessimist or the Optimist?

Re: News

Posted: 18 Nov 2016 22:39
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, so lets get a few things out of the way.

First: I'm Glad my Mother Pass away when she did. She was so tired of all the things life was piling on top of her. This election: I'M MORE THAN OKAY SHE PASS AWAY SO SHE DIDN'T Have to deal with this bullshit. It would devastated her.

Second:What I am doing about this dung heat?
Simple. I made Monthly Donations to these organization to work AGAINST Him.

Planned Parenthood | Official Site




American Civil Liberties Union

Third: In order to make shifting through the shit the media post. I subscribe to these guy.
