gil2455526 wrote:Ask for everything she knows!
terein wrote:tell her more of what happend to you, just so she knows more of what you're up against
<IAN>: So what do you know about the monster you saw?
<ELISA>: Not much, probably the same as you. What I saw was some sort of beast with a smile full of teeth, and with small red eyes, otherwise completely black. He was crawling through the ceiling, above my bed, smiling and growling...
<IAN>: It's the same monster that was in my house, then. Like I said, I tried to stab him with a steel bar, but it didn't work. It's as if it's made of smoke or fog.
<ELISA>: Did anything work to stop him?
<IAN>: No... well, it looks like he was scared of light, but it didn't seem to affect him when I shone the flashlight at him...
<ELISA>: Wait, do you have a flashlight?
<IAN>: No, unfortunately it fell down when I was escaping through the balcony.
<ELISA>: Oh, alright then. You also mentioned a paper...
<IAN>: Yes, it was very strange, I found it outside my room. It contained an encrypted message with a telephone number.
<ELISA>: Really? Did you call that number? What happened?
<IAN>: Someone answered, but I couldn't understand what they were saying, there were too many interferences. I could only discern single words that didn't make any sense.
<ELISA>: Strange indeed...
<IAN>: So... do you live alone here?
<ELISA>: I live with my son Luke. My husband died some years ago, so it's only him and me in the house.
<IAN>: I see...
Ian takes a closer look at the photo of Elisa and her son in the small table. It depicts them happily smiling at the beach, with a cliff as background. It looked so... unreal now. He can't help but wonder if, after all that is happening, they will ever be together and happy like that again.
A weird feeling invades Ian when he looks at Luke. He feels a strange sympathy for him, a connection... like if he has met him before. Weird... Ian recognizes that feeling, he has had it before...
...yes, it was that night, when he found the paper outside his bedroom. He didn't notice it then because it was too dim...
The feeling disappears as fast as it appeared, and he quickly dismisses that silliness and forgets about it. He must now concentrate in more serious issues than sympathizing with pieces of paper.
<IAN>: Let's go explore the other rooms, to see if we can find anything useful.
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:Check the room from where Elisa came.
ThunderDasher wrote:search the whole house and make a mental map.
They approach the door, but before they can do anything...
It's a phone ringing! Ian's heart almost falls out of his chest...
But... how? There's no signal!
Upon hearing the sound, a suspicious look appears in Elisa's face.
<ELISA>: It's my phone... strange.
Ian takes a look to the hall. The sound seems to be coming from what seems to be her bedroom.
<IAN>: It works now? But how?
<ELISA>: I have no idea, but... if the phone works we can call the police. Must try to...
Elisa starts to walk to the bedroom while speaking.
<IAN>: W... wait, are you going to answer the phone?
She stops and stares at him.
<ELISA>: Of course I am! We need to hurry up, who knows how much time we have left until it stops working again!
<IAN>: I don't think it's a good idea, it could be a trap!
<ELISA>: I have to answer! Hell, it could be my son!
She continues to walk.
<IAN>: WAIT! We must stay together! Please! Wait!!
Worried, Ian starts to follow her, but he thinks better and decides to go quickly shut the balcony door first, so that no more bloodthirsty grinning monsters can enter through there.
Carefully checking first that there's no danger, he makes a move to close the door, but...
ThunderDasher wrote:Look outside into the void.
...something makes him stop of a sudden.
It's a LIGHT!! A bright dot of light, shining in the middle of all that darkness! What the...?