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Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 23:47
by Rooster5man
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Hello?......
Can I get some feedback.
Please be patient, double-posting doesn't help ;)
What if all of this, the Core, Sanctuary, Loop, Root, Lab, and Basement is nothing more than what the CUBES WHERE! Something run by some sick Company! Has no purpose, no meaning, no POINT!
Zombyrus actually has a Theory like that, the "Meaningless Theory," pretty sure it's been put in SNEE. Regardless, if it had no meaning, then what's the point of the series if it were to mimic the Cube series? (I haven't seen Cube, but from what you're telling me, the Cubes themselves are apparently meaningless.)

It seems like there's a whole history behind the SubNet. For a "company" to go ahead and fictionalize the SubNet is utterly ridiculous, and for what?
There is a present of a Company. What if until now Liz and the Other has finally found the bridge that got them out of the Submachine. The name SUBMACHINE means something of a mechanical origins. And it has been said that the Submachine means Submerge machine!
Courtesy of Mateusz:
you mean the word "submachine"?
it's an abbreviation of "submerged machine", because at the time of discovery there was a popular belief that all structures were below the ground (the darkness and all).
popular belief
They're not actually submerged, and I'm sure Liz hasn't escaped, unless the Karma Portal's been waiting for us for an eternity.
Life in the SubNet is shifting as we know it. Before long, were back in that dreaded Basement!

How does SNEE fit in there then?
Anteroinen wrote:Well, there is that theory by Death (or was it Gem?), the "Murtaugh is the Company". It was voted as confirmed, not?
It was made by Gem, and it states that Mur used the Players to get to the Core because (now we know) he wants revenge on those on Layer 5. His Army - the people who operated the machinery in the Sanctuary - along with Mur, are "The Company."

There's no Wiki page on the Company though, so we don't know how true it is....I'm thinking we confirmed it for the wrong reasons.
All we know the SubNet was created by a submerged machine. Meaning man-made.
It started out with natural Submachines, remember?
I finally understood how they could mimic the structure of the subnet within a garden...

They didn't have to mimic. They were already living inside the subnet.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 23:56
As well i remember the author estated that many submachines started as part of the root, but when someone triggered the expantion of the subnet, many parts of it have become in new independient submachines, like the ancient submachine (in 1932), or the prison submachine.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 00:00
by Rooster5man
Is that on the Wiki? Could you find the exact quote?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 00:14
by Anteroinen
That sounds like a point of view taken straight out of the oldest forum posts, just interpreted and extrapolated a bit.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 00:16
by Vortex
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:As well i remember the author estated that many submachines started as part of the root, but when someone triggered the expantion of the subnet, many parts of it have become in new independient submachines, like the ancient submachine (in 1932), or the prision submachine.
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:estated
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:independient
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:prision
Is Spanish your main language? XD

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 00:25
Yes, but i'm in layer 7. i'm not kidding, just hide the truth, find the hidden clues and you will know. Check my signature.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 01:51
by bender
Maybe Layer 7 is Earth? XD

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 02:16
by Rooster5man
Anteroinen wrote:That sounds like a point of view taken straight out of the oldest forum posts, just interpreted and extrapolated a bit.
Who came up with it, Mateusz himself? Could you find it?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 03:13
by Anteroinen
Rooster5man wrote:
Anteroinen wrote:That sounds like a point of view taken straight out of the oldest forum posts, just interpreted and extrapolated a bit.
Who came up with it, Mateusz himself? Could you find it?
That's his interpretation, partially based on remembering things wrong, but it obviously is an amalgamation of these posts:
sounds nice.
as for your question - someone triggered sponatenous creation of submachines. After the "invention" sub started to expand by itself. so there was a human factor in it at the beginning. but no more.
I am to say this. ;). it was made long after the first submachine. From the builders point of view, naturally, what other point of view can w take?...
historical? with the time machine a 'historical' point of view doesnt exist anymore.... Besides, they're ancient RUINS. we've got ruins up to date, so who tossed the idea that ancient location was built in BC? they could've built it in 1932 using some old ruins, as I see it. I'm not saying that they did, but there is a possibility...
The part about the prison is a bit weird, I assume he refers to the prison under the lighthouse which was only ever mentioned here:
you mean this one? its not about ancient section ruins. It's about those red-walled ruins in sub2, at the beginning ;P
and the origin of the wisdom gem found we dont know. We can assume it was basement's, but that'd implicate that player is mur, which I doubt, but we know by now that mur is capable of placing items on different positions, such as the orb in sub4.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 04:53
by Rooster5man
Thank you very much, Ant, would've drove me crazy if I don't know how he got that and said "Mateusz said it"...

Are those under "Forum Posts" on the Wiki? (I'd assume they are, but to be safe)

Furthermore, has Mateusz said this?
many submachines started as part of the root
Or he exaggerated on that part as well?

And I'm not trying to be critical, Enihcambus, I've done the same thing when I was new here, but it's always good to not do that all the time :P

As for the prison: You're probably right, he may be referring to the Medieval Dungeon on which the Lighthouse was built upon, but that has nothing to do with the SubNet as far as I'm aware - It's the Lighthouse itself that is part of the SubNet.

Unless....the Medieval dungeons belonged to "We the King."