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Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 06 Jul 2015 21:27
by Jatsko
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 04:14
by Jatsko
3000 posts
time to be on my way out
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 13:26
by WorldisQuiet5256
Love your new Avatar Error.
Like a Palindrome, combining Error with 3113.
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 19:32
by Vortex
What happened to him, why did he leave?

Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 20:36
Gem told him he could take a break from Pastel Forum after the Markiplier incident.
(At least thats what I understood...)
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 20:50
by RoentgenDevice
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:Gem told him he could take a break from Pastel Forum after the Markiplier incident.
(At least thats what I understood...)
Markiplier incident?
EDIT: Oh I see, the "spamming". I wouldn't say he has to hide from us because of those comments, but OK, it's his decision.

Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 10:01
by Anonymous2
Error took a small vacation because he needs a breather and will return when he feels ready to return. I wouldn't say I told him to leave, I kind of felt bad about it, but its his decision. We both got into it a bit, but I emailed him and he responded, and said its not my fault, that he left on his own decision.
A condensed version of what happened between us:
Error was overly excited about Mark doing that LP of Submachine 1. But after a month and no Submachine 2, we all start to wonder if he will continue it, so we both set out to find out, we both posted comments to the wiki, but Error took his own path, and made some spammy posts. I wouldn't say they were harassment or trolling, but did it in a way I didn't approve of. On top of that, he did admit to trolling Mark in several of Mark's videos.
We can't do much about what another member does on another community, but to me, when you post on another community about this community, you are a representative of us. You represent the very foundation of Pastel Land Foundation. And I believe you should act out of kindness and respect for the community you are on. And I felt like he didn't, so I called him out on it over PM. And according to him over email, he realized he was kinda in the wrong and decided to take a break from here for a while.
The reason I believe you should act out of kindness and respect is, because this community is struggling to stay afloat in a sea of desolation, which we were plopped into when the almighty Sub God decided to cut us out of his social media life. I feel as if in order for us to retain members and gain new members, we need to have a positive reputation, and if we have members going around to other communities and leaving a negative impact, that will look badly on us here.
Maybe I'm thinking too much into this. I don't know. I've been on this community for eight years and I've been around for droughts. But this isn't an ordinary drought... This is life support. :/
And another thing and I'm going to take it up with Soullock and figure out a way to handle it. I already have a question for him waiting in a PM. Drama. I know I have a history here, and I think all of you have pretty much gotten used to me being here.
But I do searches and I see all the content from 2012 and onward regarding me. Is it bad of me to want to erase that? What I mean by that is, I literally want my past here erased. I want to start from a clean slate. I don't want a new member to come here and see me and then do a search, and see me from three years ago.
What it comes down to is, I am thoroughly embarrassed for the way I acted between 2011 and 2013. And I want to rid that weight from my shoulders.
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 17:57
I don't recall any of the newest members seing you that way. You and Error, for example, semt to get along well.
Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 22:10
by Sublevel 114
this "incident" is nothing...
Error will come soon
stay tuned

Re: Discuss the Avatar
Posted: 15 Jul 2015 14:09
by The Kakama
At least I can still see him elsewhere.