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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 21:56
by Augustus
Vortex wrote:You're doing a great job so far :)
Realy?! Thanks :D

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 22:05
by Vortex
Yeah, I think you would make a good admin :)
Overall, we need to decide which to keep and which to get rid of. Should we have

A) A slider and a condensed button list? (The slider will be updated image-wise as well)
b) Get rid of the slider and keep everything in the buttons list?

Personally I'm in favor of option B, and as far as creating a page with all locations, I would be down for that. But I'll ask other people their opinions on this while I work on the templates.
I favor option B too. I think the sliders are a bit outdated.

Btw, I'm surprised to see how quickly you edited every template XD you just forgot the main page tabber, that I've changed now.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 07:43
by Jatsko
Update time:

[quote="2016-12-02 → 2017-01-15 - "Wiki Theme: Sub10" (joint effort w/ Vortex)"]
*Sub10 Theme - #C4D167/#626833/[[basement exit]] background
**Theme designer
**Main page buttons
*Main page restructuring
**Condensed slider and buttons
**Restructured voting results page

Results of the last poll have also been finalized. I think the next relevant poll question will come up after Mateusz releases his SubVerse HD article.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 13:24
by Vortex
Okay, looks like we have two new locations, SZA and NPG. I'm going to wait until the game is officially released for non-patrons to edit the wiki, in case there are any changes.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 18:09
by Jatsko
Considering that I can access it from his site without an active connection to Patreon, that means it's publicly released, right?

Btw how did you figure the coords out?

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 18:17
by Vortex
Yep, it's edit time!
Jatsko wrote:Btw how did you figure the coords out?
since there's no warploader in the HD, there's no "official" way to do it. But the coordinates are still in the game's code.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 18:23
by Jatsko
Welp I'll rely on people like you for future updates then :P
Vortex wrote:Yep, it's edit time!
Probably won't have time to put any serious editing in until this weekend :/

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 18:46
by Vortex
I added both locations and very basic info, but I don't have much time either and I don't want to mess with the organized location structure you've created so I'll leave it there.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 21:51
by Sublevel 114
So, I play SubVerse SD,and again I understand how this clue system is messy...
It started after September 2010 update, when final group of location that leads to alternative clue for 291. These locations, and each of new ones, have theories with references to SubVerse locations, with coordinates and other stuff...

Doesn't counting notes with theories? Nope, because considering that 076, the very first location after our star in 000, contains clue for new location in three notes (lol, when I first played it, that ">" symbols confused me and I didn't get it is numbers for location)... It absolutely breaks clue system. That one that Jatsko turned into this wonderful locations map. :D

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 21:59
by Vortex
Yeah, it bugs me a little that location clues are included at the end of theories while the theories themselves mention coordinates XD Also the two video clues take a lot of time to show up.