Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 28 Nov 2016 18:06
I'm always down for a cleanup of information and data on the Wiki. This shouldn't take too long, don't worry.
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
While this is problem were the most simple solution is to left it behind and move along, your constant posts about inquiring a Subnet location (Thing that is discouraged, as Mateusz only does when he request so.) are nothing but an annoyance. But what makes me post this is this post above, Jatsko is the user who most time have spent working on the Submachine Wiki, its one of the things he holds most dear, so its natural that he's worried about solving this issue (Whatever is a small or big thing). Some users here have certain duties, like myself as a Moderator of this forum, and inquiring them to abandon their duties for more aesthetic things just because you consider it a "Waste of time" is counter-productive.Ko9 wrote:Why are we wasting time on this? Jatsko, spend your time please on things that matter. Such as your vids.
Thanks. What we are waiting for is to Mateusz update the location so we can make the needed measures to fix this. I hope that puts an end to this.Ko9 wrote:I will.