Vortex wrote:An important thing too would be to make sure the background image loops correctly. Apart from that, we can also change the foreground's transparency if the image is too distracting.
Good to keep in mind.
Vortex wrote:We can also change the main page icons if 808 wants to do a complete revamp.
This is actually something I've been considering for a while now too. Especially the People icon which contains a
cat. No offense to Einstein, but...something more human should probably represent the People icon XD
Speaking of Einstein, I know a while back we had a little discussion about whether the list of game characters should be called "People" or moved to a new page called "Characters". We've stuck with "People", but I don't feel comfortable keeping Einstein on this page in that case. He's definitely a character, but since we've gone to lengths to retain the name "people" for the page, he really doesn't fit that specific definition. I don't see what's too harmful about not linking him to a collection of characters in the series, especially if those characters aren't grouped under the name "Characters". Thoughts?
While we're talking about main page revamps, I think it's time the main slideshow, along with the icons, was also revised. For example, the theories tab headlines with "Just what -IS- a Submachine?", but the theories compiled on the wiki and in SubVerse deal with much more than just defining a submachine. The "Locations" tab links to Submachine Universe, which I understand contains a lot of the locations in the series, but it's still an incomplete list. Not to mention it's also a game page, so...maybe it would be better to make a new Wiki page called "Location(s)", spruce that up with navboxes, whatever, so that all locations can be found there. The pictures and captions can also be updated with newer content, corrected grammar errors, etc.
Also, a reminder that all four of the slideshow features are found in the icon grid.
The hard part of revising this will be choosing visuals that wouldn't just fit with the upcoming Sub10-based theme but also would fit with subsequent theme changes for each game release. Or maybe that won't be as big of an issue as I am thinking.
Now, a proposal:
At some point, the confirmed and debunked theories have to be reopened for voting. Too much has happened in the last couple of game installments to consider anything set in stone. So I'm suggesting that we set a date for a theory voting session for Conf. and Deb. Anyone have ideas of a good time for this? Should it be before or after SubE?