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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:14
by Sublevel 114
OnyxIonVortex wrote:
Sublevel 102 wrote:it's the same bug as where it was first noticed in Sub2, for example here: ... t=40#p7807
you probably don't notice it because of the browser or some other reason.

I have them only in Google Chrome!

*changes browser*

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:16
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:
OnyxIonVortex wrote:
Sublevel 102 wrote:it's the same bug as where it was first noticed in Sub2, for example here: ... t=40#p7807
you probably don't notice it because of the browser or some other reason.

I have them only in Google Chrome!

*changes browser*
now that you know what they are you will find them much faster than me :P

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:23
by MateuszSkutnik
OnyxIonVortex wrote:found another breb in 642!
FIXED. 8-)

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:25
by MateuszSkutnik
sooo.... anything else?
other berbs or maybe some other glitches?

I remember about the all-notes hub, just don't have the spirit to do it now. That would be a bit of a larger update actually.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:27
by Vortex
just found another breb, the bell of 043 when ringed.

EDIT: and in 523, the upper spikes. that's more noticeable.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:30
by MateuszSkutnik
Sublevel 102 wrote:I remember this strange thing:


When you activate portal in 316

not sure what you mean.
That white dot is probably three beams intertwining. That's procedural, nothing to do about it.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:32
by Sublevel 114
But there is strange rectangle... And it appears only after portal beams activated...

well, nevermind then.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:39
by Sublevel 114
interesting thing...

It is not a bug, but I noticed ambience in film in 902 became shorter and cycled...

nothing important. Just new thing for me. :)


BERB in 800. Top of the Bell.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:47
by Vortex
found another breb (it's called breb or berb? I thought it was breb for black rectangle bug but Sublevel has started calling them berbs :P )

it's in 411, it happens right after you click the karma portal to BTN (it's strange because it happens outside the screen unlike the others).

EDIT: another breb/berb, in 442. this time it's a serious one, it appears in the screen transition from the uppermost scene to the middle one.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 10:52
by Sublevel 114
Meanwhile I got weird inventory bug in 747, when I picked up crimson key...
