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Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 18 May 2016 17:09
I see the metal section as an embassy for the Submachine and the external world.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 18 May 2016 21:26
by Jatsko
PROJECT KARMA UPDATE (so you guys know what's going on, and to chase away all doubts that I'm destroying the Wiki from inside-out!)
-All categories updated and connected into a nice simple "tree". By "updated" I mean that a couple of categories were thrown out (abiding by years-old deletion requests), and other categories were deleted entirely due to lack of ability to change names.
That means if you go onto a page or a file categorized as "areas of the Subnet", that category doesn't actually exist anymore. The category it belongs in is now called "Subnet locations" (and "Subnet areas is now its own category too, as per new organization of places in the Subnet). Technically this means that, at least in this case, there are about a hundred "category-displaced" files and pages, but these will naturally be fixed as the files and pages are updated and edited. So no worries there.
I really wish re-naming categories was an option, but for some reason it's not. A couple of other category shifts to be aware of: "Items and objects" was broken into "items" and "objects", with "objects" being anything non interactable that is not either a collectible item or a "device" (which also has its own category). It sounds confusing, but I got it under control
-Continuing file updating and editing. For each picture I am updating it to reflect the game's most current version, and categorizing it differently according to the category changes. I'm on letter D, so it's gonna be slow (especially when I get to the S-files) but it's progress.
-Instead of waiting to edit the pages "System", "Defense System", "Subnet", and "Outer Rim" in the general editing process, I'm going to try to tackle those tonight, especially the first two. They contain a lot of words and a lot of pictures, and I'll feel a lot better proceeding once those are somewhat cleaned up and updated. So that's first priority tonight.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 18 May 2016 23:59
by Vortex
just wanna let you know that I admire how much effort and hard work you're putting in the Wiki
glad to see the project is going well!
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 19 May 2016 15:49
by - ak -
I dubbed thee Jatsko the hardest-working member of Pastel Land :3
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 20 May 2016 14:37
by Jatsko
Ugh, just looking at these System and Defense system pages...
Why is all of the info for the DS on the System page and not on the DS page? MAKES NO SENSE
(I imagine over the years I've been at least partially responsible for that XD)
Oh well time to make the plunge...if I don't post in the next couple of days just assume that I'm lost on a cliff somewhere...
After updating all these system maps and replaying Sub6, maybe Sub6 is turning out to be my hidden favorite game. I've always had a soft spot for it...
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 20 May 2016 16:44
Sub6 is for me one of the most interesting Subs. Its the third biggest one in the main series and has a lot of interesting side content, such as the outbreak codes and such stuff that makes one wonder...
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 20 May 2016 18:33
by Sublevel 114
...and it has the WORST defense systems in the whole multyuniverse. D:
srsl, The Edge, this endless wall... was like baby wall. I hadn't any challenge, no any good feeling after solving puzzles.
still, it was my first subgame, I waited for almost two years. And it has pretty good creepy atmosphere
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 03 Jul 2016 22:00
by Jatsko
For those who are interested, I changed the poll
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 03 Jul 2016 22:16
by Vortex
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 03 Jul 2016 22:57
by Anonymous1
voted as well