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Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 01:59
by ShiningDawn
I know that I'd love a second saga of SubMachine!
As it is, the Submachine series hardly answers any questions at all. I like having a few loose ends for mystery, but we know almost nothing.
At the very least, I'd like to know what Karma the Karmic water is.

I assume that the subnet is separate from but connected to our own universe, but how did people first get there? The notes imply that there was a primitive ancient civilization that lived there that was unaware of the greater network of places. So, do they live in the Submachine universe, or did they live on Earth? There also seems to be a current Civilization which discusses Murtagh as a part of history.
So how did the first humans come to the subnet universe? Or did they naturally evolve in one of the larger locations?

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 02:04
by Jatsko
Many great mysteries lay uncovered :D

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 02:23
by ShiningDawn
Maybe someone else learns about the Sub Machine from the player and somehow finds a way to enter.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 06:41
by - ak -
Nah, there is no need for a new Submachine saga.

Everything you need to answer any questions are all there now, in all 10 main games.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 08:25
by Jatsko
And AK will continue to keep all his explanations to himself :D

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:06
by Sublevel 114
- ak - wrote:Everything you need to answer any questions are all there now, in all 10 main games.

Or we will put you in metal sphere, call you S.O.U.L.L.O.C.K., and will ask you every question from huge list of unanswered questions.

(and I will continue to kick you with long wood stick, as well as I continue to do the same with S.H.I.V.A. metal ass.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:23
by Vortex
I think most main questions can now be answered with the information in the games and some reasonable inferences. But not all questions, we're very far from that.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:38
by Sublevel 114
and yeah
I forgot.

Forum posts answer on questions. Not ten games of main series.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 10:46
by Vortex

From what I see, most forum posts are explanations, confirmations or clarifications of things that are already in the game, not new info :P

EDIT: to that respect Ak says one thing that I like a lot, and it's that the pieces are already there for us to connect. We're not baby birds that have to be fed up with the exact direct answer from Mateusz's mouth; we should be able reconstruct most answers ourselves from the facts already present, and I'm sure that's the author's intention :P

EDIT2: yep... look at 17 Mar 2014 forum post, it's a representation of what I said here XD

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 15:54
by Sublevel 114
I told figurative. I mean, many facts from forum posts, confirmations and debunking of theories, was never introduced in games. that's sad.