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Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 19:19
Now that pools are avaliable, you can edit this thread and post the options there. You can also edit the post when needed. :)

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 19:56
by Vortex
True, that could make the selection process much easier.

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 22:40
by Jatsko
I thought the selection process is pretty easy as it is. I don't know much about the poll system, but the way I had it I knew exactly when each vote was submitted. If I get an overrun of 5 votes for two games while I'm logged out, how am I supposed to know which one won first? As creator of the poll, do I get to see all that info?

EDIT: Also, how does one create a poll?

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 22:46
by - ak -

Go to your very first post of this thread and click on EDIT button. It will take you to the editing page where there's option to add poll down on the bottom. You can't miss it.

Even your very old thread can have poll! I even checked my A' L L U K I N thread and found that I can edit my thread and add poll!

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 22:59
by Jatsko
Alright I'm going to try it and see how it works. But I don't see any options to gather info on who is voting what or when. Hopefully everyone who has voted so far will resubmit.

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 23:24
by Sublevel 114
I think we should continue to post our choice and explanation, why we chose it.

and maybe someone logins through his second account and makes competition unfair...

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 02 May 2015 23:29
by Jatsko
wat? who does this??? or are you speculating?????


NEway Sublevel, I think you're right. I can't tell who posts what when, so that would help.

Looks like Kakama, AK, and KefKonic need to resubmit. Anyone else is welcome to join, first to five votes rule still stands.

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 03 May 2015 00:14
by - ak -
Error_3113 wrote:I'm not familiar with the bump button...and I figured DP was okay since there was a longish gap in between posts
I am fine with post after several days. I am not fine with consecutive posts within a day. But bump button is far more useful. It is also difficult to find because it is in the FOOTER. They can be used after 12 hours from the most recent post.

Also, resubmitted my vote!

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 03 May 2015 00:25
by Jatsko

Re: Best SubAmbient Contest!

Posted: 03 May 2015 19:06
by KefKonic