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Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 01:31
by WorldisQuiet5256
The Abacus wrote:
The Library inside should help find the rest of the Original Wisdom Gems.
We only need one. (see my previous post)
But in the post before that...
These notes are about wisdom gems. Apparently, this town was able to mine 7 Wisdom Gems. But the Layers of reality change Each Gem had split into hundreds if not thousands of Wisdom Gems. Each layer had split one of the Wisdom Gems. But according to these notes, when the Layers changes the Gems where gone, presumably buried back where they were. They are in location around the Town. But we can only find one Gem in each of the Seven Layers. But if we can find them, what we have to do is take them back to the designated area where they split in the outside of the Barrier. When we do, All the Gems that split from it would come back into that original Gem. But we still have to find them first.
Can you give me a while, I'm still trying to think of what the Next layer should be.

[WiQ pulls out a journal, it is the owner of the Lighthouse, he apparently wrote all these book based on his notes during his research. There is no name of the Author, but there is a note in its replacement.]
Once there was a man who said he knew what was happening after Murtaugh left.
Since then that man left us as well.
There are some bedroom on the Next floor up. We can sleep here for the Night. I take a look at his research. I should by tomorrow know the location of the Next Wisdom Gem.

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 09:27
by The Abacus
this town was able to mine 7 Wisdom Gems.
(I stand corrected)

The next day has arrived.

As people began waking up, The Abacus went into the radio room and found another note from Liz that had recently been printed by the fax machine.
Letter from Liz (Fax) Note 2

It seems like you have arrived safely.
The person who used the lighthouse as HQ went missing a month ago. He was a researcher on the balance of the subnet (a subject that encompasses the collapse). Unfortunately, we have until now not known the password to his computer. Here it is, I'm sure you'll find it helpful:


Code: Select all

Time remaining:
7D : 12H : 43M : 21S

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 15:13
by borys610
Let's use it.

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 15:17
by The Kakama
"Good, let's all teleport back to that layer."

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 17:05
by WorldisQuiet5256
[WiQ sees the 0wgi3bs5do98m.]

That not the password. Its a catalog number. Its for this book, "History of the Submachine", page 35, paragraph 5 line 98. it says "Knowegde is Key." that is the answer to the Question on the Computer.
[WiQ walks over to the Computer and types "Knowledge" the password is incorrect. Then WiQ notices the Knowledge is spelled "Knowlegde" He types that into the Computer. The password is correct. They have access. He looks at the Program. There are no recordings, no files, just access to the Submachine Radio frequency scanner. A communication program and a Fax machine program.]

It appears that this person only used the computer for communication. But I have already found the location of the Next Wisdom Gem.
[WiQ leads the group back to the Library. There is a file on the Main desk. WiQ open its]

Apparently when the Reality split into the Second Layer, Reality of the Original History about the Towns preexisting area used by the Native Americans followed into Layer two. The Second Wisdom Gem apparently fell into the past of the Native Americans and was then dug up in a excavation site just outside the town limits. It was displayed on the Local Museum of the area history.
But on one day, it was stolen. The police never found the Crook or the Wisdom Gem. But the Keeper has been looking into the old case file in search of the Person who stole it. He was able to track the Wisdom Gem to three possible suspects.

Crazy Horse,who was a fanaticism about his ancestors history about this area.

One Marcus Brethren, who was a descendant of the Founder of the town. He tried once to buy the Gem but was denied.

Then the last person was one William McKenzie. He was a local nut, he would walk around town moaning about the Gem should be return to its original Position.

The Keeper didn't check the houses of these Three people before he left to who knows where. We should search each of the house to find out who took the Gem. That is what the Keeper was going to do.

[WiQ write down the address listed in the book.]

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:55
by The Abacus
They search Crazy Horse's and Marcus Brethen's house without success. When they arrive at William McKenzie's they find that half of the house has been knocked down.

The Abacus: deja vu

Borys: Just like the vault.

The Abacus: Yep. Let's investigate.

The team search the place.

WiQ: Over here. Look what I found. It seems to be a map of a large underground complex. According to these notes the wisdom gem did not in fact come from the excavation site, but was brought up from this ancient complex and left in, most likely, some sort of shrine. William here, put it back in the spot it was first created, right here. *points out a location on the map* The only problem is how do get in?

The Abacus moves a table and says: From this hatch.

As it seems the table was covering a hatch.

The Kakama: How did you know?

The Abacus: When you called us over, I noticed something metal under the table as I approached. I was investigating while you were discussing.

They open the hatch and notice there a long ladder, which is the only way down.

They climb down into the darkness....

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:26
by WorldisQuiet5256
[WiQ turns on his Rifle Flashlight. They are in a cave. But there is an ancient alter on the other side of the Room. there is a stand where the Wisdom Gem should be but it isn't]

Kakama "Damn it, it not here."

WiQ "Wait a minute."
[WiQ turn on his laser attach to his Rifle, it gets distorted when it is over the Wisdom Gem stand."

WiQ "Its still here, it just dimmed out as well."
[WiQ walks over and picks up the Wisdom Gem. He still can't see it, but he can feel it in his hand. He puts it in his Bag. The team climbs out of the Cave and Returns to Layer 4 and enter the Mover. When they get to the Lighthouse, WiQ puts the Wisdom Gem in another one of the special case next to the First one they found. WiQ goes back to the Library to tell Kakama, Borys, and Abacus where the Next Wisdom Gem is.]

WiQ "the next Wisdom Gem is in Layer 3. It is here."
[WiQ pulls out a picture of the Town Square Fountain]

WiQ "see here"
[He point to the top of the Fountain. There is a carved Stone on top that is in the Shape of a Wisdom Gem]

WiQ "According to these notes the Wisdom Gem here was so Dimmed that someone encase it in Stone so it could still be seen. He put it on top of the Fountain for safe keeping. But he added a Shield that is emitted from the Water in the Fountain. We can't just grab it. Does anyone have an idea how we can get it?"

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:29
by The Abacus
Let's get as close as possible to the wisdom gem would be in another layer, then change the back to the layer to where the wisdom gem is actually located.

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 17:41
by WorldisQuiet5256
No the shield sizes is too small for us to fit in. But...of course! Why didn't I think of it before. We just need to get a long enough pole and attach a chisel to it. I would need you guys to protect me while I break loose the Wisdom Gem.

[WiQ goes into the Tool shed that outside of the Lighthouse. He finds a Chisel, Hammer and a rake. He then removes the head piece from the Rake, he attach the Chisel to the pole. He joins the rest of the guys and they take the mover back to the Mainland.

They then walk over to the town square where the fountain is. He then jumps to layer 3 and Abacus, Kakama, and Borys draw their weapons and jump to layer 3. They form a perimeter around the Fountain while WiQ takes the long pole and sticks the Chisel in a small crack just under where the Wisdom Gem is attach to the Fountain.

He then takes the Hammer and starts to pound the other end of the pole. he is making progress until Borys Spots a Subbot. The Subbot sees them and starts to open fire. More Subbots move towards the Fountain. Kakama and Abacus join Borys to defend WiQ while he tries to chisel away whats left holding the Wisdom Gem. Borys is hit in the Leg. WiQ drops the end of the Pole and draws his Rifle. He kneels next to Borys while Abacus and Kakama covers him. He pulls out a Med Kit from his bag, he attends to Borys wounds]

Can you move? Try to finish chiseling whats left while we cover you.

Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 00:12
by WorldisQuiet5256
How are we doing Borys? Were running out of Ammo.