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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:03
by MateuszSkutnik
devlog > minor change:
multiple item inventory display.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:04
by MateuszSkutnik
OnyxIonVortex wrote:1256 new rooms
not even commenting this...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:07
by Babylon
Wow, first time I've been flummoxed by the Submachine Universe. No idea how to access either karma portals.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:11
by Vortex
MateuszSkutnik wrote:
OnyxIonVortex wrote:1256 new rooms
not even commenting this...
so I guess 12 cipher plates are pretty much discarded :mrgreen:
Babylon wrote:Wow, first time I've been flummoxed by the Submachine Universe. No idea how to access either karma portals.
you have to find an item. the JIG game gives a clue on which one.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:12
by Babylon
I found a tiny little key thing from the maya/mesopatamia clue?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:13
by Vortex
that is needed too, but it's not the item. keep looking ;)

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:14
by Babylon
Could you tell me if it's in the JIG room?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:16
by Vortex
no, it is in another location. but you should recognize it when you see it, there aren't any more new items.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 19:20
by Babylon
Decided to use a process of elimination, one room at a time. found it pretty quickly XD

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 20:05
by - ak -
Sublevel 102 wrote:yes, AK.
three new rooms: 731, and two more.
Does that includes the Karma Portal found in the JayIsGames location? If not, that means I have to find two more coordinates?
OnyxIonVortex wrote:yes. there is something hidden in the subnet that allows you to
open the small chest box
You mean:
  • the box in the Karma Portal location of coordinate 731?
right? Or a completely different one?
ShadowNiL wrote:
HINT! wrote:Mesopotamian.
That should be enough to go on...
OnyxIonVortex wrote:I thought it was
Gonna need more than that, guys. I will let you know if I find anything.