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Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 02:01
by WorldisQuiet5256
This is just my point of speculation I wish to make in regards to what some other people are posting about in theory. The 'Submerge' in the Submachine part.

I read - ak - thoughts so far, but I wish to offer something else. He says its, forgive me I can't find the quote. But how he refers to it the Lighthouse as a "Buried Machine" doesn't sit right with me.

The only reason I bring this up is because I find the Submachine more on a sub-atomic level. The only reason I bring this up is because of two things I've observed in Submachine 10.

This note found just under the crows nest of the ship:
The Lighthouse's lamp wrote: - How will you know that they're coming?

- I'll keep my eye on the lighthouse. Once the lamp goes off, they'll be coming.

- But that lamp is behind steel curtains...

- Don't worry. I'll know once it's off.
The other thing that brings my point up is this:


That post seems out of place for a Lighthouse. It seems more appropriate that it is not a post, but a Mast from a ship. I don't know if it is from the same ship as the one from the Northern Docks, but I get the feeling the guy in the Crows nest was rather 'close' in terms of spying on the Lighthouse.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 06:57
by - ak -
The post is just a post, a signage acting as landmark beacon for the buried Lighthouse.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:I read - ak - thoughts so far, but I wish to offer something else. He says its, forgive me I can't find the quote. But how he refers to it the Lighthouse as a "Buried Machine" doesn't sit right with me.
The Lighthouse was originally a normal structure built on top of Root, the first man-made Submachine. Once the Lighthouse got buried, it slowly became Submachine.

Here's my original post from Sub_10 Thread:
- ak - wrote:
Sublevel 104 wrote:But I have a question, Pastel God: where's "border" between Submachine and World (outside)?

Why that desert is not Submachine?

Murtaugh was so worried about his home, collapsed Third Layer... Did collapse spread through the whole world, not only in Submachine?
While Submachine Network may seems to be infinite, it is not truly infinite. There's only limited amount of space. Why else are there the Edge? The only infinity we see are the amount of Sub-Layers as well as the Loop taking up infinite amount of remaining Layers/Dimensions while there are 7 Main Layers.

But why the border?

Because Submachine had to be originally made, right?
It was made in the Original Layer/Dimension where the Root was made, right?
The very first man-made Submachine, right?
It is right underneath the Lighthouse, right?

Submachine is originally called Submerged Machine.

And it originally functioned underground where the border split BETWEEN Underground and the Outside World.

Because when you travel to the other dimensions, there's no longer border because you're NOT in the Original Layer/Dimension where there's border between Underground and the Outside World.

When we left the Lighthouse in the Original Layer/Dimension, we left the Submachine and came back into the Outside World.

The Lighthouse is not only the entrance, but also an exit from the Submachine Network as a doorway to the outside world. Possibly the only one left.

Think about it.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 16:11
by RuloCore
So only Layer 5 has borders and connects / is directly in the REAL physycal word or planet (not necessarily earth)? All other layers are just... placeless?

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 16:17
by Jatsko
And why is it Layer 5 and not Layer 3? Would like clarification.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 16:28
by Vortex
I don't think that explanation holds. Mateusz has said in a forum post that the entire reality is comprised of layers, not only Submachine. If both the Submachine and the outside exist in all layers, the border between them must also exist in all layers, not?

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 21:49
by MateuszSkutnik
- ak - wrote:The post is just a post, a signage acting as landmark beacon for the buried Lighthouse.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 21:53
by Sublevel 114
but still, Mateusz, is there any decipher of "MAP" symbol (that from all Sub main menus)?
What does that "M","A", and possibly other symbols mean?

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 22:53
by Vortex
It's in the green flag in the shrine. I think it's just a symbol for the group/cult/whatever that Mur and Liz belong to.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 15:19
by Pulsaris
Vortex wrote:Binary ones definitely can. Have you downloaded/played the fixed version of Sub10?
As far as I know, the online version is not fixed yet.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 15:23
by Vortex
It is, both the online and HD versions.

You can check if you're playing the old version if it says "DOCKING SCHEDUAL" instead of "SCHEDULE". If so, reload the page with Ctrl+F5.