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Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 13 Jan 2016 22:09
by Vortex
Hehe thanks!
So you said you don't want to change the order of theories in the Theories page, right? Or do you want to order them by status?
EDIT: I finished editing the Theory voting and Theories pages. Only editing individual pages left, I'll better do it tomorrow.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 13 Jan 2016 23:07
by Jatsko
I was thinking that, only because I have come across disagreements before, that we would double check to make sure that the theories listed on the main theories page match the order they are presented on each individual page. I can double check that now.
Wait, how are we going to keep track of what older debunked and confirmed theories to include in the special voting session?
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 13 Jan 2016 23:09
by Vortex
Jatsko wrote:Wait, how are we going to keep track of what older debunked and confirmed theories to include in the special voting session?
We can do it with the page history.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 13 Jan 2016 23:28
by Jatsko
For anyone who is interested, here are two charts showing the distribution of categories before and after the session:
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 13 Jan 2016 23:33
by Vortex
This session has been a theory carnage, less than half have survived. As was to be expected, this being the last game
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 00:33
by Anonymous1
Confirmed: 9
Likely: 22
Still Alive: 51
Doubtful: 63
Debunked: 87
Unvoted: 67
Humorous: 4
Total: 303
Confirmed: 29 (+20)
Likely: 16 (-6)
Still Alive: 26 (-25)
Doubtful: 43 (-20)
Debunked: 183 (+96)
Unvoted: 3 (-64)
Humorous: 5 (+1)
Total: 305
Listing the totals of before and after. The + and - are the addition and subtraction of theories. So 96 theories were basically debunked adding onto 87 from before, thus making 183. Subtract the 183 from 305 and you get 122 theories left that are not debunked. Wow! Indeed, half of the theories were debunked, but that was expected.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 00:50
by Jatsko
@Anonymous: You prefer to order your theory page by category? Just wanting to know for the future, because I edited the main page to reflect the order of the individual pages XD
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 01:21
by Anonymous1
Yes I do like category organization. Though I do prefer to have confirmed theories at the top and debunked theories at the bottom in regards to the main theory page.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 01:44
by Jatsko
I can arrange them like that after the special voting session, if that's alright with you.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 15 Jan 2016 19:07
by Jatsko
I really hope we all decide to have this special voting session, because some of these theories need to be changed status.