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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:03
by Sublevel 114
OnyxIonVortex wrote:
Sublevel 102 wrote:Found it...
did you find the new info?
what info?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:05
by Vortex
Mateusz said that he added something that confirms things about the structure of the subnet.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:06
by Sublevel 114
OnyxIonVortex wrote:Mateusz said that he added something that confirms things about the structure of the subnet.
yes, there's one...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:07
by WorldisQuiet5256
Bloodhit wrote:
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Just a thought,


Which is older?
I simple ask this cause about how paint ages on old buildings.
It could be just another room behind the wall. or the other.
Like I said, the Temple is like a Rubik's Cube.
If I posted the map/layout of the Temple on below me, which I won't cause I find it pointless, we only saw the interor.
I find that the section above the ground from the outside point of view is like the prymide of Giza, but the bottom section below ground is symmetrical to the top point of view.



Cause, for example, there are many forms or patterns to which you can cut a single sheet of paper to fold into a 3 dimension Cube.
Cube Templates

But the whole Temple, both inside and out, form this shape.

But again, you have to take the Temple full temple map from the wiki, and fold it up somehow. I don't know the actual way to do it, cause I don't have the equipment or the software to take it and make it into a foldable single sheet of paper. And the time alone to fold it again and again to make it work would take too long.

But There a reason why the Wisdom Gem Spins, otherwise, it would not be a Wisdom Gem. It just be a two dimension diamond containing zero wisdom to power it.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Again...I don't know if there are 3 faces on the Temple statue, or 4. I simple can't see them from my point of view when climbing down the rope. Just like none of us know the actual layout of the Temple.
Simlier to how we don't know the location layout in Daymare Cat. Cause we can only moved up, Down, Left, and Right. But we can of course move "Forward and Backwards"

It just that "Forward and Backwards" simple look like a door Frame in Daymare Cat.


While Forward and Backwards look like this in the Submachine:Portals

But I do know this.

The tip of this point,

Is directly above the center of this circle.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:09
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:
OnyxIonVortex wrote:Mateusz said that he added something that confirms things about the structure of the subnet.
yes, there's one...

should I feel bad because I still haven't found the valve? :(

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:14
by Sublevel 114
@World: I just don't think everything here is SO... complex. as you say.
OnyxIonVortex wrote:should I feel bad because I still haven't found the valve? :(
You checked every location?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:17
by Vortex
I did. Almost pixel by pixel :( I had a feeling that the thing above the machine in 000 was the valve but nothing...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:23
by Sublevel 114
Congratulations. You got "SunShine Bunnygirl" achievement!
You are lost in Submachine!

but talking seriously: I can say only one - play it again. Inspect everything. Or you will never find way out from Submachine...

and wait, YOU NO noticed difference in any of locations??? Oo
Even if you didn't notice hidden valve, you SHOULD notice that difference...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:25
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:I can say only one - play it again. Inspect everything. Or you will never find way out from Submachine...

and wait, YOU NO noticed difference in any of locations??? Oo
Even if you didn't noticed hidden valve, you SHOULD notice that difference...
I'm doing it again now. And no, I didn't notice any difference...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:26
by WorldisQuiet5256
Did you try not looking at the floor, but at the pipes?
The second one might be removable.