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Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 22:19
by Vortex
I don't know if it still applies though.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 05:53
by Anonymous1
So you were the one that caused Mateusz to add rule of no image in signature?
I may have been apart of the problem, but I don't believe I was the straw that broke the camel's back. There were others at the time who took the whole signature banner thing to extremities never before seen....

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 07:10
So it was multiple people cause, thats ok.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 17:15
by Jatsko
Maybe I'm out of place to say this, since I'm 5 Gen, but I think this should happen:

(also forgive me if this appears out of the blue)

From what I've seen, this community has been built, at least originally, on Pastel Games. But then it expanded into so much more. Pretty much every member on here that has stuck around for a specific period of time has revealed him/herself to be quite a unique person, and a lot of people here have histories that stretch for a few good years. Whether good or bad, these histories contain so many big and little memories of things we've created over long periods of time. Things people have still been talking about for years. Yes, Pastel Games is what ultimately ties us together but I sense that over time we've made our own unique sort of "community within a community" that's much less tied to Pastel Games and more tied just to the members ourselves.

So why not kind of pull it all together? Especially with Sub10 on the horizon, interest in the Pastel Project will be picking up again soon. I propose that we add another layer of glue to the whole thing. By that I mean fortify our internet presences as a community that outsiders can easily take part in and learn about the history of us as users and also about Pastel Games. Because I get the sense that our sphere of influence is still contained pretty much only on this site.

But think of how cool it would be if we were better known. Twitter and Tumblr accounts linking this page to the world and spreading fanart, fanfiction stories, events in Pastel Games, descriptions and reviews of Pastel Games, hottest threads, everything. A completely updated Pastel Wiki tying together the many facets of past and present Pastel Lands. If we can do this I think we have a chance of becoming a (though relatively small) Internet interest. We can get more people interested in these types of games which make you THINK. We can get people interested in a community with common interests and intellects, but one that also knows how to have fun and be creative. I don't know what we would be, a fandom all ourselves, or what. But I think it would be cool to just have ourselves be better known so others can see what we're all about.

Think about finding this place and having the complete history of an entire community to read. One of creations, game releases, music, wars, migrations, stories within stories, fanfictions, everything. Talking about characters like Sublevel or the Kakama or EHNICAMBUS, delving into their traits and learning about their connections with Pastel Games and their creativity. Not to mention the increased exposure Mat's games would receive.

It's hard for me to exactly explain what I'm trying to get across, but I hope you get the point. Let me know your thoughts!

(and if anything, let's update the Pastel Wiki for a good starting point. Too many red links there XD )

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 17:51
I don't know what to think. Members discussing members sounds quite odd, a community sustained by the community itself its quite like a general board, like 4chan or 8ch, and you're quite implying our community to convert into something like that? That would be really hard. We are obviously quite different to these general boards, in terms of complexity and events, the problem is how much interest we can get.

The fanfics and stories part is tricky, since members can get busy in thier lifes in probably left them in a cliff hanger, pretty much not a good way to sustain any income.

I don't say its not worth trying, but I would really like to wait first for Submachine 10 release, and se how the thing goes.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 05:31
by Jatsko
That sounds fair.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 08:19
by Anonymous1
You want to talk about activity and bringing new members in, you have to look at one key thing. Age.

I've known Vortex since he was 14. He's 21 now. I grew up with this community. I joined when I was 21. I'm 28 now. You want to bring new users in, you have to bring in younger users. Its the ones like Vortex and others who are older now, have more obligations.

Look at you, Error. You're 18 and in college. Now imagine if you were 10 years old and on this community. I bet you would be far more active than you are now. I don't have too many obligations in my life that would prevent me from coming here for long periods of time. Others do. Death Road for example, he's a software engineer with Boeing. He can't come here like he once did. I grew up with him too. He's now married and raising a family. Married his high school sweetheart lol.

If we are to change the focus we have to focus on the age range. We have to provide content better suited for people who are younger.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 20:09
Not that we do stuff that is completely inapropiate. :p

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 22:59
by Marbles
I'm not sure sustaining the community as it has been will be possible, depending on what Mateusz decides to do after Submachine 10. As Gem said, people get busy and leave, and the online gaming community as a whole has been shrinking for a while.

I wish it were otherwise, but I don't see any point in planning for the future. Either things will continue, or they won't.

Re: Pastel Land History

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 23:21
by Jatsko
I formally withdraw my proposal. Not because of what you all have said, though.