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Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013 13:17
by The Kakama
That smile...
"So, what is the meaning of all this? And why are we back in the lighthouse?"
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013 13:24
by The Abacus
From the notes we can assume that something happened (presumably Murtaugh is the root of this) the upset the already unstable balance of the subnet and caused an exponential acceleration of the collapse. Liz is asking us to try to fix it and she also told us that we have 8 days to do so.
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013 16:16
by WorldisQuiet5256
[WiQ goes over to a fancy looking Desk. There are many file scatter all over it. All the notes are about wisdom gems. WiQ takes a seat in the desk chair.]
According to these note, it appears someone tried to fix what is happening. These notes are about wisdom gems. Apparently, this town was able to mine 7 Wisdom Gems. But the Layers of reality change Each Gem had split into hundreds if not thousands of Wisdom Gems. Each layer had split one of the Wisdom Gems. But according to these notes, when the Layers changes the Gems where gone, presumably buried back where they were. They are in location around the Town. But we can only find one Gem in each of the Seven Layers. But if we can find them, what we have to do is take them back to the designated area where they split in the outside of the Barrier. When we do, All the Gems that split from it would come back into that orignal Gem. But we still have to find them first.
[WiQ pulls out some papers and a Map.]
According to this military record and this Map, When the First Layer shifted, a Military group entered the Town 400 years after the 1st Layer was created. It looks like they found the First Wisdom Gem and tried to tap into its energy sources. But they tried too over at least 500 years until the 1st Layer started to shift into the 2nd Layer. But it looks like they tried to take it into their command centered in town. Presumably in their Vault. It should be...
[WiQ looks over the Map and Journal pages trying to establish a location] the town Hall. The one with the Clock Tower. Near the Mayors office down the back entrances to a section of the Town Hall basement. the Vault should be here. But...
[WiQ looks over several of the Papers until he stops]
...The combination to the Vault and the location of the secret back door are not listed here. But they where kept in the Record room of Town Hall.
[WiQ gets up from his desk and fold some of the Papers and put them into his bag. He then grabs his rifle.]
So we need to get to Layer 1 and then into Town Hall.
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 01:23
by The Abacus
What are the coordinates?
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 12:07
by The Abacus
WiQ: I don't know
*momentary silence*
The Abacus: Hmmm. What about that computer over there? I wonder what information there is on there. We might even be able to contact Liz...
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 14:49
by WorldisQuiet5256
[WiQ walks over to that computer. Its password protected. He then opens the "I forgot my password" There question is "What is key?". WiQ is stumped. Then he turns around]
Wait a minute
[WiQ walks over to a book shelf. He reads the title on the bind until he find a local history book. He open it and find the page about the Town Hall.]
Its on the Corner of Modsiw and Meg.
[WiQ then looks at the Map of the Town.]
Its just in the Middle of town, here. Okay, we can head back to the Mainland, but we need to stay in the 4th Layer until we get to Town Hall. We can then jump to Layer 1 and lock all the Doors to keep the Subbots out.
[The Team gets back into the Mover and head to the Mainland. They walk into Town until they get to the Corner of Modsiw and Meg. They enter Town hall. When they get inside, they each take a position at an exit of Town Hall. They jump to Layer 1 and lock each of the Doors. They then jump back to Layer 4. They repeat this process until all the doors are lock. Then WiQ gets to the security station and activate the Security locks on all the Doors. All the Doors in Town Hall are reinforces with steel grating and bared locks.]
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 15:17
by The Abacus
The Abacus: Can you give that hard-drive you got from that subbot?
WiQ: Sure.
[WiQ hands hard-drive over.]
The Abacus quickly finds an electronic lock. He uses the hard-drive to hack into the system and unlock the door. They enter. They find the vault, open the door, which is oddly unlocked and...
The Kakama: What the?! Why does this place look as if a bomb has been dropped here?!!
[The team examines the wreckage]
The Abacus: I have a bad feeling that the gem in this layer created copies of itself, which resulted in a massive explosion, as so many gems of the same coding cannot exist so close to each other. The only problem now is that an explosion that big would have distributed those gems around the subnet in this layer. Who knows how many copies of those gems were created? No one can figure that out, such an occurrence has never been observed.
I think our only option is acquire one of these "glitched" wisdom, hack into the edge and use a large transmitter to terminate all the wisdom gems with that coding/frequency.
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 15:29
by The Kakama
"Ok, now where exactly can we find one of these?"
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 21:01
by WorldisQuiet5256
I think I know where.
[WiQ walks over the blown Vault, examines the Floor. His foot hits something. He kneels down and wipes off the Ash. The Lump on the Floor is the original Wisdom Gem of Layer 1. WiQ picks it up, the only differences in the Wisdom Gem is that it glows was dimmed than most Wisdom Gems.]
Looks like this is what happens when the Wisdom Gem became so many copy all simultaneously. Its power is low.
[WiQ puts the Wisdom Gem in his bag.]
Okay, lets head back to the Mover.
[The Team leave the Vault. As they arrive at the Town hall, they look out the Window. There are many Military Vehicles in the outside courtyard. They look ancient, like they been here for centuries]
These must have been the Vehicles the Military used.
[There are still Subbots walking around town. They still don't know of their presents in the Town Hall. The Team jumps back to Layer 4 and head for the Mover. When they arrive at the Original Lighthouse, WiQ takes the Wisdom Gem out of his bag. He takes it over and puts it in a special crate that was left at the Lighthouse. WiQ then heads back over to the Desk. He starts to look over the Papers. But he has an expression on his face as what he is looking for is not there. He then opens the draws to find a note inside. He reads it out loud]
"I've store the rest of my papers in the Library. it is in the House next to the Lighthouse on this Island. I lived there for what seems like all my life. The Key to the Library is under rock, the third from the right of the Library doors."
[WiQ puts the Note in his Book.]
Well, I guest we need to go to the Lighthouse keeper house outside. The Library inside should help find the rest of the Original Wisdom Gems.
[WiQ leads the group to the Entrances to the Keeper house. He found the key under the Rock the Note mention. When they entered, it was a 2 floor building. There were main stairs in the main area, and the Library was to their left. When they entered, WiQ was shock. The Library was huge; there were more books than he could count. He went and read some of the Spine of the Books]
"Mover development almanac" "The History of the Submachine" "The Layer development" This is gonna take me a while to sort through this.
[WiQ walks over a main desk in the back of the Library. He sits in the Chair and looks through the papers on the Desk in search for a Catalog of the Library books.]
Re: Lighthouses and Einsteins.
Posted: 26 Feb 2013 01:15
by The Abacus
The Library inside should help find the rest of the Original Wisdom Gems.
We only need one. (see my previous post)
The Abacus: Who owns this place? Whoever does also has all the books that I wrote; "Understanding Wisdom Gems," "An Introduction to Wisdom Gem Coding Frequencies," "The Workings of Wisdom Gem Coding Frequencies," "The History of the Wisdom Gems," "The Wisdom Gems and The Subnet."