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Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 13:45
by Sublevel 114
It was logical, but stupid.
You can make more not-stupid plot?

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 13:53
by borys610
I mean simple, cliche, banal, and so on.
I understand that people who don't care about plot in games can like this, because it's simple and gives pretext to brutal drawings, and that you can put nazis everywhere and people will buy it... but honestly that doesn't make this plot good.

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 14:17
by frodo
when I go to open the invitation it won't open. HELP!!!

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 14:31
by Vortex
What invitation?

EDIT: if you mean the letter, there is another one at the postbox :)

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 14:51
by WorldisQuiet5256
Its not stupid, but more of a common thing.

Nazi, in term, make sense. Do you know how much money is put into project during war time that is made to kill people. There the regular stuff like the United States, then there the Nazi. A raciest, hating group, who had the Concentration Camps. Think about how much their hatred is put into possible ideas that were never created.

But if this story had more to do with the Gas chambers mention on the bulletin board, the story would do better like Owls Nest. But since it was more about past revenge killing, that is not such as great in terms of uniqueness.

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 21:29
by borys610
ProTips from 14-years old guy who have never made a game for himself, but acts like he knows everything about it:
When you'll be making new SotC:
1. Fire art designer, and ask previous one for help.
2. Make game that isn't completing itself.
3. Think about "global items vs local items" matter again.
4. Put nazis back on the Self Of Eternal Overused Cliches.
5. Forget about FBI.
6. Ask somebody for grammar correction.
7. Change sponsor.
8. Sit and ask yourself 100 times "Is it a good game?"
(don't fire anybody for real)

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 28 Mar 2013 21:28
by Boingo
I will admit I think that their repetitive ideas are starting to seem a bit obvious.
And I can't say this game motivated me very much.
In fact, I really only appreciated the hard work on the artwork.
A bit harsh?
No, just a matter of taste.

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 30 May 2013 15:13
Sublevel 102 wrote:@Borys: Why do you not like the game?
Borys didn't like this game by lot of reasons. But the most important is the plot. He really hates the plot. He exploded because of that plot. :shock:

Borys unlocked achievement #102.

(this is an experiment i was doing to check the unstability of Borys. Like testing Sublevelium! ^^
Then use his energy to power up the Root.)

Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 30 May 2013 16:07
by Sublevel 114
He exploded


Re: Scene Of The Crime 3: The dream of murder

Posted: 30 May 2013 19:55
by borys610
Stop checking my stability!
How many rants do you want me to make, eh?