COMMAND: ENER: EXPLAIN THE COMPUTER, and LAMENT that MATEUSZ doesn't EXIST. Then RECALL the surrounding area.
COMMAND: MADDOX: SEARCH for a NAME that you mysteriously come up with. Like, Barbro or something.
Command: Maddox: Snap back to reality and wonder why you wanted to search for the Swedish politician Barbro Holmberg.
Ok, I found a COMPUTER back there and found lot of stuffs on it!
oh, where?
Over there!
And so, Maddox took a long look through many files and notes and information on the COMPUTER.
You know, I am starting to remember much of events leading up to the beginning of the Situation on May 6.
Oh? Like?
Mostly security surveillance. I remember being in charge of watching over many of Public and Special Participants, making sure that you guys don't cause any sort of troubles.
Did we?
I will explain everything later. Let search for the name Barbro.
Gah, what am I? IDIOT? Why did I want to do that in first place... jeez. As for the NEWS... I remember working for Yeyni the Ooth Scientist.
Let check that name on the profile!
Nah, no need to. She's an Ecologist and Biological Scientist. Very smart one too for an Ooth.
Oooohhhh I remember her! Well, not personally. I heard about her.
We can discuss the details later. Right now we need to find a way out. Splitting up was a bad idea from the start... you can blame me for that.
I do.
Oh shut up.
And I found the access up through the LADDER! But it was cut off.
And I bet there's something in this area that can help us. Something that we haven't searched and/or opened yet.