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Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 01:28
by Jatsko
That "tensegrity" sculpture is actually a really dope idea by itself, holy crap. I hope this and another "Beyond the Brick" video I saw recently doesn't pull be down a Lego rabbit hole, because I'm pretty sure I'd never escape.
And your edited design with the karma portal looks like it would fit right into SubVerse. It's just got that look.

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 10:05
by Augustus
[¦||||, no, I am just mediocre at drawing and I am thinking of remaking it.

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 11:44
by [¦||||

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 14:56
by Jatsko
As someone who's used to the old Lego Digital Designer, do you think LDCad would be a step up from there in terms of brick selection, without a huge learning curve? I still want something relatively simple. Also are there ways to render the bricks so you don't have the outlines like we're seeing in the picture above?

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 15:56
by [¦||||

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 28 May 2020 17:13
by WorldisQuiet5256
I'm afraid I don't use LDCad, it not my style. But I do know how to use AutoCADD.
It like LDCad I think, but for programing shapes and making CNC designs.
Again, I don't use LDCad. But if it is like AutoCADD it kinda hard without knowing what you are doing.
Because you have to use a function in the program in a certain way. Because if you miss step 2 in the list 1,2,3, you get some problems.

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:35
by Jatsko

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:06
by Sublevel 114
Awesome picture!

But no, Mur. Nah, you won't trick me again! :[

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:11
by Kaly_Ths (1).jpg (1).jpg (971.83 KiB) Viewed 2785 times
In a similar vein to the above

Re: Submachine Fan Artwork

Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:57
by Sublevel 114
Wow! Impressive!
Karma arm is amazing done!!! :D

But... why does Liz not have mouth? O_o And Mur too, it seems...
It's spooky.