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Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 04:37
by Anonymous1
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:Maybe was Mur and Liz the ones to place the usefull clues and items there, that was a method to rescue people from Submachine, and they were obviously waiting to someone to pop up and take it home.
Perhaps we're a member of one of his exploration teams. Maybe the others made it out, but for some reason we were still stuck inside, or maybe they all died and we are the only one who survived.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 13:54
by WorldisQuiet5256
The Note found in the Submachine 1 screenshot location does point towards this notion.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:00
by RuloCore
I found this thought on JayIsGames funny
It's also funny to some point because you could probably get out of the Submachine if you left the lighthouse by breaking the window back in Sub2, instead of going through the karma portal to Sub3...

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:04
by Vortex
Yes, but the Lighthouse was already buried, not?

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:46
The top of the lighthouse was blocked with Steel plates, only the light sphere could pass through it.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:49
by Vortex
Light beam can melt steel plates? XD

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:49
No, Steel conducts it, like in Lab location.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 19:54
by Vortex
It was a reference to... ah, nevermind XD

Now that I think, we didn't get to see the rest of Kent, and the waterfall. I'd like a Submachine sidegame that explores that, someday.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:16
- Have you ever been to the place called the loop?

-Yes, of course.

-See, this knot is just like the loop. Well, maybe not exactly, but it serves the same purpose.
there is also the eighth layer, known as the layer of light, which is not stable and it can float freely through all other layers. Murtaugh was trapped in the eighth layer once, that's why he was unable to focus his being on a single layer. Fortunately Elizabeth managed to snap him out of this trap.
Watch your step, temporal anomaly ahead.

Re: Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:18
by Vortex
What's your point?