Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 20 Dec 2015 19:43
*takes a look at the sub10 image on mateusz facebook*
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
(btw, we still din't see that drawing, Mati)the lighthouse was buried by intradimentional horizontal shift. they switched the location of the lighthouse to dimention that had a gravitational pull reversed by 90 degrees, so the lighthouse appeared as lying on the ground horizontally. then they just released the sand. it looked quite spectacular from the original lighthouse dimention. imagine. all that sand pouring onto lighthouse sideways.
Maybe I'll make a drawing of that in the future, would be quite a view.
I hope he answered the last question....Sublevel 104 wrote:hmm...
when I typed Sub10 in, it redirected me to this page: ... questions/
btw, don't forget about this picture. It still can be from Sub10 (and it calls "sub trees")
actually it's xtinaInfluence wrote:Tomorrow is where it finally all ends after a decade
We will discover what the submachine truly is