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Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:34
by Anonymous1
Revamped dock section from Sub8 that appears in Sub10 is now uploaded
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:39
by Vortex
Nice work, the maps look very clean
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:48
by RuloCore
So the identity colors of every Submachine episode are as follows, according to wiki:
Submachine 1: the Basement
Submachine 2: the Lighthouse
Submachine 3: the Loop
Submachine 4: the Lab
Submachine 5: the Root
Submachine 6: the Edge
Submachine 7: the Core
Submachine 8: the Plan
Submachine 9: the Temple
I propose to make the Exit white, because the layer of light, but I don't know if it's possible with the current background and font color of the wiki. So if it's black it could be nice, too.
Yellow title bars should be changed to black font / white background, too.
Also, I would make the Core more glowing cyan:
Submachine 7: the Core
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 20:50
by Vortex
I agree, that's the color of Sub10, perhaps with a slight hint of purple. I have already translated the notes to Spanish with that color. Also it fits with the overall theme
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 21:28
by Anonymous1
Thanks. Just finished the revamped tomb section.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 22 Dec 2015 23:08
by Anonymous1
Meditation temple and infernal basement sections mapped
Edit: Revamped basement section mapped
Edit 2: Have uploaded what I've mapped thus far
Have spent most of the day mapping Sub10 and I'm taking a break for now
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 23 Dec 2015 03:27
I disserned the way the Loops in IOO Work.
Temporal Anomalies: Work exactly the same way as 245
Storage 32/1: 5 Rooms. Works like 923.
Storage 33/1: 3 Rooms. Works like 888.
Storage 33/2: 5 Rooms. Any direction you take from central room takes you to one of other 4 posible rooms, moving in the other rooms apart of central room, doesn't matter which direction always take you back to central room.
Storage 33/3: 9 Rooms. Similar to above but with "segments" of 2 rooms before giving back to central room, moving perpendiculary while in segment returns to a random location.
Storage 33/4: 9 Rooms. The rooms form a pattern, if pattern is broken, player is sent back to central room.
The Loop: 10 Rooms. Works like 917. (Absolutely Random, it really makes to take time to solve the puzzle).
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 23 Dec 2015 23:31
by Jatsko
Condensed the main Sub10 page. I figured presenting the locations in the gallery format would be better, saving page length at the sacrifice of short descriptions for each location.
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 27 Dec 2015 12:57
by Vortex
I changed the wiki theme. Obviously the links couldn't be white, so I chose a bluish color in reference to the karma energy that is everywhere in Sub10
We won't probably be changing the theme for a while, since this is the last game, so a neutral color such as white would have been the best choice anyways. Let me know if I missed something!
EDIT: by the way... the number of visits to the wiki really improved after December 21... I wonder why that is
- wikia visits.png (7.83 KiB) Viewed 1386 times
Re: Submachine Wiki
Posted: 27 Dec 2015 17:30
by Sublevel 114
I love new Wiki style and new stuff.
You rule, guys!