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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Dec 2015 06:39
by Jatsko
Thanks! And your extension certainly would make things easier.

Things are starting to really heat up, aren't they. It hit me when I entered the red-texted dates for the voting sessions. It's really happening.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Dec 2015 08:28
by Anonymous1
I've changed all instances of Unconfirmed to Unvoted on the theory page

I also found a theory that hasn't been added to theory voting

I also found one confirmed theory that is not confirmed

The basis of Sub8472's theory is Mur and Liz being siblings, but there is no proof of this during the main storyline, yes Liz did put Mur on the right path again, but still, the point of them being twins/siblings is incorrect. Also the voting results show 3 votes for debunked and 1 for confirmed. The voting session should have ended it with Debunked. Majority outweighs Minority.

Edit: It seems Sub8472's theory was originally debunked on April 5th, 2014, but then on August 14th, 2014 an unregistered account made it confirmed. Even though the theory was debunked after the release of Sub9 I want to give the theory a second chance, so I'm downgrading it to still alive and you can add that to the theory voting page.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 02:52
by Anonymous1

Found another theory that escaped the voting page

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 22:36
by Anonymous1 ... s_Theories

These two pages need to be merged since they are the same theory owner with differing theories on both pages.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 23:43
by Jatsko
All your findings have been noted; I will update the page this weekend :D

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 01:56
by Anonymous1
Just completed user theory pages, and I think that does it! I think we're ready for the voting session to begin this coming Monday. I think I'll just put aside my suggestion on the links for theory voting. I think things are good enough where they are at now :)

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 18 Dec 2015 21:05
by Vortex
The Lost numbers troll moved to the Spanish wiki O_O

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 18 Dec 2015 22:10
by Anonymous1
Vortex wrote:The Lost numbers troll moved to the Spanish wiki O_O

Just checked through the different language wiki's and noticed Portuguese is no longer there. We should have Vurn make a Polish sub-wiki. :P

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 19 Dec 2015 01:15
by RuloCore
why would anyone in their free time would want to spend it changing random numbers into a wiki?

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 19 Dec 2015 01:31
by Vortex
Dunno... the minds of trolls are a complete mistery to me.