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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 14 May 2014 14:36
by - ak -
The Kakama wrote:So you can see Mur and Liz alive? ;)
But I think a navigator is enough, and besides, I don't know if time even exists in such a way that time machines can exist.
Nope, the whole series is one grand museum experience (maybe?) :lol: Doesn't need anything more than that.
MateuszSkutnik wrote:that won't happen.
this location is done.
I liked his idea, not that I thinked it could happen. As I said in Pastel Quiz, this room will never get back to its original state. BTW, I actualy like this sort of mini-puzzle, this is one of the first locations you find while exploring the Subnet and it seems to look like a tutorial. :P

This coordinate has been changed quite enough already because of a certain controversy and maybe deservedly so... The coordinate used to be much more interesting with the statues and the note machine. Now its a barren relic, perhaps best remains forgotten.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 14 May 2014 21:53
by WorldisQuiet5256
Note Possible.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Twins Room

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 19 May 2014 18:36
by ThunderDasher
Quick thought about the "Mirror qualities" in the Sub:

Sub2: Going up! / Sub9: Going down!
Sub3: Stuck in the loop / Sub8: Stuck within 7 Layers of existence
Sub4: The Lab, Mur's place, "working" for him / Sub7: The Core, Liz's place, "working" for her
Sub5: The Root, ancient Sub section / Sub6: The Edge, modern Sub section

I was reflecting upon this, when something came to my mind:

Sub1 was very short if compared to other Subs (Meaning that Sub10 will be ridiculously large, perhaps???), set in some unknown place, setting the story to trek through all the next Subs. But the ending is what caused me to think about something... we kinda "escape" the Basement, only to find out that we were in some sort of virtual reality or summat (The Submachine arcade much?) - and that we merely found our way into the Submachine.

Applying the Mirror Qualities possibility, this could mean that our escape; our Exit, leads to the opposite of Sub1. Instead of going into the Sub... we're going out of it. Perhaps this is what it is about, if the mirror applies to Sub10...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 21 May 2014 10:17
by The Abacus
ThunderDasher wrote:Applying the Mirror Qualities possibility, this could mean that our escape; our Exit, leads to the opposite of Sub1. Instead of going into the Sub... we're going out of it. Perhaps this is what it is about, if the mirror applies to Sub10...
It wouldn't make any sense, in my opinion, if the concept of parallels isn't maintained.
ThunderDasher wrote:Sub1 was very short if compared to other Subs (Meaning that Sub10 will be ridiculously large, perhaps???)
Well, Mateusz did state that Sub10 would be the largest game (mentioned somewhere in the Sub10 Theories and Suggestions), so I think that that already maintains the concept of parallels.
ThunderDasher wrote:only to find out that we were in some sort of virtual reality or summat
Mateusz also stated that the events in Sub1 were real :P
ThunderDasher wrote:Sub2: Going up! / Sub9: Going down!
Sub3: Stuck in the loop / Sub8: Stuck within 7 Layers of existence
Sub4: The Lab, Mur's place, "working" for him / Sub7: The Core, Liz's place, "working" for her
Sub5: The Root, ancient Sub section / Sub6: The Edge, modern Sub section
If I remember correctly, there was a thread specifically designated for these parallels (if you're interested, although there isn't much listed there).

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 22 May 2014 00:20
*Reads a comment in Facebook*

Its posible to port Submachine Universe to Steam? I don't care if I have to pay for it, I just want to see Submachine still alive. I don't recall you're going to waste one of your greatest projects and first MSO ever just because the world changes, it seems like a shamefull defeat.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 22 May 2014 03:03
by WorldisQuiet5256
I find that SNEE is simple a point of perspective. I know for a fact that Lattice Room exist simple cause Murtaugh was spying on someone. Doesn't matter who it was; cause they were using the telephone to call someone.

That phone could have been for public, like a payphone.
It could have been a private line, but within a company building. And one of the workers were using it for more than receiving calls for a problem someone was having with there computer.

It would take to long to figure it out, cause all we have left are that, simple theory.
All we know is this:
It took a Karma Portal to get to that location.
So it was either Murtaugh or Elizabeth at an Earlier age.
And the one end of the Karma Portal is under the Floor Boards, so that shows who ever put it there did not want to be seen, but needed to hear or see something that caught their attention.

But I find that it was Murtaugh at a Younger Age who put it there. At some point after he was banish from the Core.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 25 May 2014 10:08
Wow, with a new pair of headphones I can ear a really weird, creppy sound in 902.


Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 May 2014 06:43
by The Kakama
This sound has been around for a while I think, but I didn't really notice the high pitched sound at the end.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 May 2014 09:19
by MateuszSkutnik
any high pitched sounds are glitched.

Right now I'm working on a new version of flash, and those glitches are gone.

It's a matter of me getting around fixing the subnet, probably while making a new update.

we'll get there don't worry.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 May 2014 15:22
by - ak -
MateuszSkutnik wrote:any high pitched sounds are glitched.

Right now I'm working on a new version of flash, and those glitches are gone.

It's a matter of me getting around fixing the subnet, probably while making a new update.

we'll get there don't worry.
I am not too worried about the Net since I haven't really found any glitches so far, even with Chrome. I didn't hear any sound glitches, but then again... I am hearing impaired :P

Can't wait for the update.