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Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 05:49
by - ak -
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 05:50
by - ak -
- command: enquire as to the purpose of why they are there, if no reason other to move the plot along. oh, and if ener gets the chance, bite that charred loeb in the rear.
Sublevel 102
Let's see what we can to do...
COMMAND: Use Beliz's help, and..........................
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 05:54
by - ak -
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 05:57
by - ak -
- Command: Make Loeb realize without the Narrator's direction or control. It's like dividing by 0, a story without a narrator is like a story without a plot. Anything from here on out. Loeb feels stupid.
Command: Paranormal (shatters the 4th wall between real life and the story) with a speech:
This crew of the Of Empathy has repeatedly surprised and impressed me over these last couple chapters. Maddox, Ener, Ka-ley, the viewers and others. We've come together to form and perform beyond the expectations to make the best starship crew. This is NOT a suicide mission! I know you can do this, Loeb and forgive it all. We all can shut down this death trap of a core, together.
(sorry for the long commands, I don't post to this much -ak- and I don't ask for much. I needed to throw in some sob material to pad the story abit and shatter the 4th wall too
Wayward Raxas
- Methinks Loeb takes others' jeers way too seriously (and attaches quite a bit of importance to his own opinions). Quite the persecution complex, or perhaps he's attaching his own pessimism and hatred of everything to the ship itself to avoid considering it his own opinion. Either way he's fucked in the head.
(oh and you forgot to color Ener's scarf in those last few panels)
ommand: Paranormal (shatters the 4th wall between real life and the story) with a speech:
AK wouldn't do this if you offered him a generous bribe.
Command: Dodd: Quickly tell them the hatch they need to use before the defense systems kick in.
Command: Maddox: Give Loeb a more apparent cold shoulder by telling him you really don't care what he has to say right now and just go about your business bottling up your own fears and encouraging your teammates to remain positive for now.
Oh and remain indifferent when you tell Loeb off, aggravated responses might encourage him; indifference should discourage him.
- Command: A Team: Say to Loeb, "Dude no one cares about your stupid opinion, stop talking for five seconds, gosh" then
Command: Dodd: Quickly tell them the hatch they need to use before the defense systems kick in.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:06
by - ak -
Command: A Team: Say to Loeb, "Dude no one cares about your stupid opinion, stop talking for five seconds, gosh" then
Command: Dodd: Quickly tell them the hatch they need to use before the defense systems kick in.
Command: Maddox: Give Loeb a more apparent cold shoulder by telling him you really don't care what he has to say right now and just go about your business bottling up your own fears and encouraging your teammates to remain positive for now.
Oh and remain indifferent when you tell Loeb off, aggravated responses might encourage him; indifference should discourage him.
Maddox agrees as each character performs their respective COMMANDS.
First, let see if Doctor Dodd can convinces Loeb one more time.
Command: Paranormal (shatters the 4th wall between real life and the story) with a speech:
This crew of the Of Empathy has repeatedly surprised and impressed me over these last couple chapters. Maddox, Ener, Ka-ley, the viewers and others. We've come together to form and perform beyond the expectations to make the best starship crew. This is NOT a suicide mission! I know you can do this, Loeb and forgive it all. We all can shut down this death trap of a core, together.
(sorry for the long commands, I don't post to this much -ak- and I don't ask for much. I needed to throw in some sob material to pad the story abit and shatter the 4th wall too

We been waiting for this PLAYER INTERVENTION for a long long time!
Time to give Loeb some epic sob-filled speech!

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:09
by - ak -
Sublevel 102
- Command: Engineer: Tell, what HATCH leads to the CORE. QUICKLY! COUNTDOWN is running out!
- Countdown is actually stopped at 06:18
But yeah,
Engineer: Tell, what HATCH leads to the CORE.
Also, why on the screens there is that monster, I forgot what he was called, but he made that SWWEEEESH noise and we once trapped him in a freezer. Later on he was killed by Iranch. Why is he on the screen? I don't get it. Is it an easter egg or you just made a mistake or maybe it's another guy we've never seen before? Please answer.
He's on this pic, a bit left from the right bottom corner. ... 47t5eh.png
Sublevel 102
- Vurn, the guy on this picture is Wooli.
Ulom was killed by Iranch.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:11
by - ak -
Command: Engineer: Tell, what HATCH leads to the CORE. QUICKLY! COUNTDOWN is running out!
Indeed as the DOOMDAY CLOCK may resumes its DOOMDAY COUNTDOWN as soon as Loeb's able to destabilize the CORE.
Ener and Maddox attempt to coax the Engineer to get them out of this ridiculousness of their predicament!

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:13
by - ak -
Sublevel 102
- Sorry for question, but what means "bye hi"?
(I want to have mini myself too!) ^-^
( ak + soulllock )
Sorry for question, but what means "bye hi"?
It is the Engineer's / Mini Myself's way of saying hello or good bye.
For Engineer, its only say Goodbye in its grammar-erred way: Myself bid your a hello goodbye. Engineer didn't see the necessity for formal greeting with a Hello.
For Mini Myself, its can say either Hello or Goodbye in cutesy manners: Bye Hi! (Hello!) / Hi Bye! (Goodbye!)
Let resume! The next path will lead to the CORE!
- Team Alpha: Open hatch 0063
Also, pose as a team cause shit just got real
- ener> inquire as to obtaining a miniature ener
also, inquire as to whether that is 0063 or an upside down 0093
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:16
by - ak -
ener> inquire as to obtaining a miniature ener
also, inquire as to whether that is 0063 or an upside down 0093
Team Alpha: Open hatch 0063
Also, pose as a team cause shit just got real
They posed already in the chapter. But the shit is still definitely real as they get ready to...
Oh comon, Ener!
Are you sure it's 0063 and not 0093?
Have doubting of myself mini myself? Is it 0063 for definitely sure.
Okay. How can I acquire your Mini My YAH!!!

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6
Posted: 02 Mar 2014 06:17
by - ak -
- Command: Chase after him you bing bong boodly doos
Sublevel 102
- Well, we now know what LOAF means...
Command: Team Alpha: Ignore Foer with his loaf of meat and go further.
Ener: Do not worry about Foer. With him will be all OK.
Maddox: "Oh, I will never make my own family!"
Team Alpha: Ignore Foer with his loaf of meat and go further.
Belay that, as we have previously seen, that child is delusional, yet he most definitely knows what hes doing.
Team Alpha: Dont let him out of your sight!
Ener: Suddenly have a split second flashback in which you see what the child is seeing, then suddenly zoom back into reality.
- Team Alpha: What are you people waiting for, run for your life to that hole