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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 15:12
by The Abacus
Sublevel 102 wrote:And who said new update will be in spring?
Yes, nobody ever said that there will be a subnet update in spring. Mateusz needs to switch the ad provider for his games before he starts working on anything after all.
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:This has something to do with Submachine Univese?
I don't understand the context for WiQ's posts either.
Sublevel 102 wrote:Third layer are the most shattered.
I think this pic clearly shows it:
Sublevel 102 wrote:So, why do some karma portals don't destruct structure of Subnet?
Maybe because they are created in places where all layers are one?..
I had the feeling it was more to do with how they were made, but I honestly can't be sure.

Wait a minute:
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:One things is sure, I used to say that when Karma Portals are placed inside a circle, oval, arch or hyperbola, now with Sub9 I think this affirmation may be confirmed.
I think that this may be the reason why some karma destabilise reality while others do not: the ones placed in a circle do not cause damage, while those that aren't do not.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 16:26
by Sublevel 114
The Abacus wrote:
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:One things is sure, I used to say that when Karma Portals are placed inside a circle, oval, arch or hyperbola, now with Sub9 I think this affirmation may be confirmed.
I think that this may be the reason why some karma destabilise reality while others do not: the ones placed in a circle do not cause damage, while those that aren't do not.
what about 103?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 16:45
Karma portals build in circles, ovals, arches, hyperbolas doesn't shatter the structure of the Subnet. Altough metals strongh enough are actualy resistant to Karma portals too.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 21:14
by WorldisQuiet5256
I'm back.
Computer fix.

What I meant was the note from Submachine 8, the Plan.
The one behind the metal door in Layer 6.
The one caption:
When I ask for an explanation
HE Drew me This:

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 21:26
by WorldisQuiet5256
Second of all, that drawing, can't physically exist without all eight Circles connecting.

Murtaugh from Layer 3 had no left arm.
One day he went camping to the Kent Falls in Layer 3.

One day....ALL OF THE MURTAUGH put their "Left Arm" into one of the Waterfall from the Kent state park.
Then he was able to "Focus" by which I mean he look "Beyond" all the "Layer" of Reality.

Submachine 3, the Loop, was the purest form the Submachine could Manifest.

But...Murtaugh went through the Loop and "Came Back" to the "Lab" which we don't know what layer its in.
But...there were people trying to "Solve" the mystery of the "Submachine" and where creating the Portals.

Submachine 32 Chambers, the game...was his "Actual" self in one of the Layers.
But then Murtaugh came along, and showed us the truth. His ability to create karma portals between locations let him explore more than one third of the submachine net. That took him 32 years. How foolish were we in those early years.
But let us not forget the Future Loop Foundation.
After Murtaugh left the Loop and came back to the Third layer at some point...he was "Insane" and needed to recover his Memories.

That what was Submachine 0, and Submachine 32 chambers was about.
HE was "Coming back" to "His Layer".

But like the Lab Team, they could not survive without him.
They "Attempted" to "Simulate" the "Submachine" with that endless corridor that the Mover is next too.
And they could not "Solve the so called Great Puzzles".

And Why?
Cause Mutaugh could not "Focus".
One last thing...The "Mover".
It was not a "Trip" Through the "Dark".
It was a trip through the "Earth"

By that I mean this.....
Wait Later...I have Class to get too.
I will post the image I wish to Post.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 22:02
by WorldisQuiet5256
I know what the Submachine is.
It is Submerge Machine.
It "Exist" beneath" our "feet" within the earth.

It "Exist" between Time an Space.
It was "Created" by no one. It only exist through the History of our Earth. Through all Layers. Layer 5, there the so called "Entrances" to the "Temple".
Lets look at what it "seemed" at the end of submachine 8, the plan.

All we know is at the end of Submachine 8 the plan is, we entered the Temple.
Back to the matter of Time.
within the submachine, it does not "Exist".
By that I mean its not constant.
The Proof lies in the Submachine Universe.
We "Wake up" in a bedroom and "Head out" into the "submachine."
We know the "Bedrooms" are at the Lab.
But...we also know "The Lab" is "damage".

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 22:04
by WorldisQuiet5256
The "Lab" in the submachine Universe is like The Temple.
It was "Built" once upon a time.
But...we have not seen all of the Lab. of it is Damage. the "Exist" within and without the Submachine.
Nobody could predict that the enlightenment would cause such destruction. Even Murtaugh himself didn't know what happened. He was already looking at all layers at once. He was already removed from one-dimensionality.

To be back in only one layer, Murtaugh had to lose his focus. After he focused his mind back on the structure of the plan, his exploration teams didn't understand what happened. Some called it abandonment. Others - rapture. No wonder they panicked.

They did not even have a philosophical device to comprehend the true nature of his disappearance.
The Navigator...what else?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 22:09
by WorldisQuiet5256
Now...look at the map of the Temple...its a "Temple within a Temple."

Many structure from "Many" Layer are all in the same place at one.
Like the Sanctuary.

The "Lab" came after "Murtaugh" came back from the Submachine.
Both of "Himself".
The one that went "through" the Future Loop Foundation
And the one that went "Through" the 32 Chambers. the in the player of the main series...are the "child" of Murtaugh and Elizabeth.
Why you ask? Because of This....
I see me walking out.

I see a seashore.

Did I travel too far?

Or too early?

It's confusing how time and space seem to unite.

But wait a minute...

Isn't that just...

An image on a computer screen?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 22:10
by WorldisQuiet5256
Submachine 1, the Basement.
What else...
Submachine Universe.

Murtaugh has the "ability" to create Karma Portals.
But like Karma...what "goes" around "comes" around.

Submachine 32 Chambers...and Submachine Future Loop Foundation.

Who Ever this "Shiva" is, I can't say.
But...I can say Murtaugh didn't leave the Loop without a Plan.
It came as both the Future Loop Foundation and the 32 Chambers.
Back at the "Calendar", there is that pole that does not come out without the cone on top of it.

After "fixing" the Calendar we see dates changing.
That how long the main series has been going on.
The Murtaugh "Wakes" up and he is in the "Future Loop Foundation".
He needs to make a "Choice".
Is there a Spoon? Yes or No?

Yes there is a Spoon.
In Submachine 5 the root, we go "Get" 3 wisdom gems to "activate" the Mover.
We see the Mover Leave, and then is "Intercepted" by the "Defense System".
What happen to that original Mover?

Well...lets look back at the time last between Submachine 5 and 6.
We know the Submachine is "Round" That much was clear in the Submachine 6, the Defense System by its secret note.
But let us also understand the "Ending" to the Submachine universe.

never thought that playing in Murtaugh's game would lead me here.

I never thought I would have to make a choice. I was just following his orders. Right now it's too late for me to change sides.

For you as well, probably.

But if you have a chance...

Find Liz. She will guide you.

If he's the explorer, she's the solver.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 22:22
by WorldisQuiet5256
Back towards the Submachine Universe...we have the Sanctuary. Which appears to be 'Nowhere".


We know the "Submachine" is Round.

We know "We" left then was "Intercepted".
What happened to the other Mover?
I will tell you what happened.

We "Went". we came. We arrived to be separated.

Last reason as to why I Think that the player "The child of Murtaugh and Liz"?
This is why: