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Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 00:58
by Boingo
Well then.

My dreams last night involved the typical escaping-from-my-house-because-the-bad-guys-are-enclosing-around-it dream that I get once every two months or so, but this time round, I got chased my a tractor, and stayed on the more rural side of my dream-field.

You see, if I have a dream similar to another one I've had before, I can actually run around the "dream-field" of the entire setting of the dream and gradually build up a picture of where everything is. Anyone else had that?

In the other dream, I met some Chinese and Japanese Sky Pirates at an international airship port, and we traded some metal parts in return for some firewood for our airship...

...yeah, strange dreams, huh? :/

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:06
by Jatsko
In the other dream, I met some Chinese and Japanese Sky Pirates at an international airship port, and we traded some metal parts in return for some firewood for our airship...
Takes me back to when I read "Clockwork Angels" by Neil Peart and other Steampunk-related comic books I've seen :D That was a big phase for me...and Mad Max last night kinda rekindled that XD

But that's cool though, do you have any more details?

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:10
by Boingo
Eh, maybe I can draw a few pics. It's hard to explain.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:12
by Jatsko
I gotchu

dreams are often like that

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:23
by Anteroinen
In the last dream I remember, I was back in the army and had trouble figuring out something and I was panicking internally while things were getting more and more convolutedly messy (like somehow we had sent the food truck to the wrong end of the camp and the phone lines weren't done yet) and I was sure our Lieutenant was going to rip me a new one for that. In real life the problem wasn't a think she would yell at me for, though she would've yelled at someone else, but nightmares are confusing.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:24
by Jatsko
You were in the army?

(if so, was it the Finnish army?)

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:31
My latest dreams were just plain sad, horrible and heartbreaking.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:39
by Anteroinen
Error_3113 wrote:You were in the army?

(if so, was it the Finnish army?)
What other army? Some alien legion? Yes, the Finnish army, Finnish army service is mandatory for men. Well, with certain other even suckier options: mandatory civil service in some lousy menial job, going to prison or somehow making yourself unfit for service for over ten years. (You are also exempt if you are from Ă…land or a Jehova's witness. Finnish army stuff has more subclauses than the list of questions about Submachines.) Doing any of these things instead of the army will effect your ability to get hired significantly, due to the public opinion.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:41
by Jatsko

That's a buncha stuff

Re: Dreams

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 01:42
by Anteroinen
Error_3113 wrote:Jeez

That's a buncha stuff
That it definitely is.