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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 02:17
by Jatsko
I think it was smart to follow the page format as the other game categories, but it does lose some originality, doesn't it. Oh well.

Oh, and that's gonna bug me how Sub2 is in its red version in the screenshot. I'm sorry, but I prefer as much updated looks as possible. I haven't been around to appreciate the nostalgia of the old versions :|

And also how some of the panels have a black border inside the white border, but others don't. Grimace. I'm being nitpicky though :lol:

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 10:06
by Sublevel 114
Error_3113 wrote:I can once I have a little bit of time.
thanks :)
Oh, and that's gonna bug me how Sub2 is in its red version in the screenshot. I'm sorry, but I prefer as much updated looks as possible. I haven't been around to appreciate the nostalgia of the old versions
what did you say?..

*takes my bloody scissors*

I think it's
killing time



Hey, maybe there will be pair of screenshots?
Old and New together

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 14:40
by Jatsko
Did some tweaking on the top navbar. Reads "Standalone games" now instead of "Spinoffs", and SubVerse is now included in that category, taken out of "Other games".

Also, I'm thinking of doing a Sub0 overhaul. Seems that it's called "Submachine: Ancient Adventure" now.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 13:17
by Sublevel 114
mr. squirrel left message. :D

now project is in hands of new generation of admins

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 19:06
by Anonymous2
I requested that he step down as Beaucrat and promote Vortex in his place. Vortex isn't as active as Error and Mord are, but still, we need active staff, and Marbles hasn't been active in over a year. I think he will understand my request. Its not meant to be rude, but its just a gesture of moving forward.

It would be nice if he came around here, but I understand he has commitments elsewhere.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 04:14
by Anonymous2
I think since you were promoted Error, Mord has been one-upping you in housekeeping on the wiki. He's been quite active the past couple days.

:lol: :lol: ... ?limit=250

Like seriously... one upping you XD

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 14:55
by - ak -

Who is this Mord guy??? He's not even on this forum... I think.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 15:22
by Jatsko
He's not on the forum. I don't think he ever has been.

As for edits, I don't mind. If the presence of another admin drives him to make the Wiki better, then everyone wins in the end. He might have strict editing guidelines, but hey, at least he's cleaning up and making everything uniform. We're working on compiling an editing guideline page for everyone to see to help each user out.

Next Thursday I'm hosting a computer party at my house that'll go all night. I plan on waging war against every single jpg image on that website in that time. The only ones left will be real-life depictions and images included on theory pages. So I'll kinda catch up to him ;) But like I said, it doesn't matter to me that he's been more active. (Especially considering how I monopolized pretty much every edit for months on the Wiki at one point)

I'll make sure it's all in good intentions, which I think it is :D

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 19:05
by Anonymous2
There is a guy named Subbot #499 who comes around at least once a day, usually logs in early in the morning, never posts, just views the forum and then signs off. He has posted, but hasn't posted anything since January, and all of his posts are restricted to the Submachines forums.

I have a suspicion that is him.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 19:47
by Jatsko
And if it is?