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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 00:01
by Jatsko
I would vote for Submachine 9 as the feature :D

Spin offs v. Standalones: Spinoffs sounds a bit better to say, however if time is a factor in the series it makes it sound as if the main series happened first chronologically and then the other games came after and spread into different directions. I would have to think about my opinion on that one.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 00:50
by Anteroinen
I am actually going to have to think about this, since both terms have their purpose. Standalone does, however, sound more neutral and less dismissive than spin-off.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 01:27
by Anonymous2
Anteroinen wrote:I am actually going to have to think about this, since both terms have their purpose. Standalone does, however, sound more neutral and less dismissive than spin-off.
Yes this was my thinking too because a spin-off usually implies an entirely different work, but with similar themes. But 32 Chambers, Ancient Adventure, Future Loop Foundation are Submachine games, but they have no impact on the main storyline.

For example, Super Mario is a spin-off of Donkey Kong since his first game appearance was the protagonist in the original Donkey Kong arcade game.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 05:20
by Sublevel 114
I think 'standalone game' is more close to truth

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 18:28
by Sublevel 114
Sublevel 104 wrote:
untitled by Sublevel
human mind
nah, I titled it... on forum and later on SubWiki: ... s_Theories

but theory's name is long and silly

I need your help
Mateusz put theory in universe, but hell, it still contains a lot of grammars (to feed Vurn's nature, lol) and other bad stuff. I think it should be fixed...

can you read it and mark obvious bad writings and mistakes? :)
anyone checked my theory for obvious bad grammars?

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 19:34
by Jatsko
I can once I have a little bit of time.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 24 Jun 2015 22:42
SubmachineWorld changed again.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 02:01
by Anonymous2
I think it would look neater if it was the previous version, but when you hover over the little blips, an in-game screenshot comes up. The image could be in a circle or square frame...

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 02:09
by Jatsko
Someday there will be a day when I will catch a Submachine update all by myself

But today is not that day... :P

(and Mat states "Standalone" there too, I see)

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 02:11
by Anonymous2
I sent him a PM with my idea. I hope he likes it.