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Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 15:13
by Jatsko
@Ant Assuming the first part is for me, I wasn't aware that A'llukin was a forum story, so I'll move it accordingly. For some reason I had it in my head that it was all personal and didn't think to check again.
Changing your plan to update 10G and will combine Collaborations and Personal Projects under some place name.
@Ko9 I still can't update your plan because instead of choosing all of option 1 or all of option 2 you picked one from both and then changed one of the names. You need to pick either both yellow options or both blue options in the Excel sheet.
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 15:23
by Anteroinen
Apocryphactor wrote:@Ant Assuming the first part is for me, I wasn't aware that A'llukin was a forum story, so I'll move it accordingly. For some reason I had it in my head that it was all personal and didn't think to check again.
I guess it depends on what you count as a forum story. All the writing and art is AK's, yes, but "player" suggestions to get through the story are an integral part of the story and do affect the outcome. There are forum stories where several people function as authors too (although I think they used to be more popular).
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 15:35
by Jatsko
Ok, took a quick look through some of the A'llukin stuff and from what I see I would label it as a collaborative project because it's run off of commands and such from other people. (Isn't that what forum stories basically are, where you have a Game Master and other people decide how the story goes?)
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 16:31
by Anteroinen
That's the most popular type now. Back in the earlier 2010s we did indeed have a lot more stories where multiple people were posting continuation to a commonly written story without the knowledge of where the story was going to go. Examples from this forum, scarce though they may be include:
Sublevel's Revenge -
Lighthouses and Einsteins -
Five word story -
20 word story -
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 18:02
by Jatsko
I would classify all four of those as collaboration efforts as well (and originally did in the Excel doc).
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 17:51
by Jatsko
Couple of reminders:
@Enihc, you haven't voiced any opinions over which plan to recategorize everything vis subforums you like the most; care to say something?
@Ko9: still have no confirmation on how to finish editing your plan
@Vortex, you have any say in any of this? :D
And I guess we're on track to gather results for the two outstanding topics on November 20th still...unless anyone has an objection, I guess I'll just have de facto rule over all this...
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 18:56
by Augustus
I do not believe my construction is something that will happen or will be able to happen, but I think I made a few points clear. Hopefully...
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 22:43
by Vortex
Apocryphactor wrote:@Vortex, you have any say in any of this?
I've been trying to follow the discussion so far. Ant's forum layout as presented in the document is the one I like the most right now. I'm also okay with deleting junk threads if the majority agrees, as I understand they are all archived anyways so I see no downside.
Btw, did you get any response from AK?
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 08 Nov 2018 00:59
by Jatsko
Ko9 wrote:but I think I made a few points clear. Hopefully...
Well no, you didn't. You didn't say anything new to clarify your layout. If you need a clarification for the choice I'm offering, here:
Pick either option A or B.
A) dividing projects between Collaborations and Personal Projects
B) dividing projects between Pastel Projects and Other Projects
Or, if you have a different way to divide these, you'll need to do a better job explaining, becuase no one's understanding it.
@Vortex I haven't gotten a response from AK yet.
Sub-subforum reorganization layout [ due 20 Nov ]
3 Y (Apoc, Emp, Sublevel)
4 N (Ant, Ko9, Reed, Vortex)
1 -- (Enihc)
Thread delete ability [ due 20 Nov ]
7 Y (Ant, Apoc, Emp, Enihc, Ko9, Reed) + tentative Vortex
1 N (Sublevel)
0 --
Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 08 Nov 2018 04:37
If I want to come here and read something of narrative value, regardless if they are related to a pastel game or not, made by a single person or made as a collaborative effort, by it a chain of posts or a command based forum game, I'm more likely to want to find them listed all in a single place, so I'm with Ant on this one.