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Re: Happy board

Posted: 26 May 2015 15:07
by WorldisQuiet5256
OnyxIonVortex wrote:He hasn't done anything yet XD

I don't want it either, but if someone would like to see the sketches Mateusz can for example mail them, as someone suggested. That way everybody is happy.
I don't need a mailed sketch from him.
To meet him and have a small conversation with him would be all right.

And to have him Autograph the first page of my Black Dossier would be paradise.

Re: Happy board

Posted: 26 May 2015 17:36
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, I had this cool Lego Story I have to tell you guys. It happen within the last week.

Okay, so on Saturday last week while browsing the Lego section at a Wal-Mart while my Father was shopping for Food, I saw this Lego Set.I scan the price and went home without it. I later went to see why I had a funny feeling about the set. When I got onto, I found out why. They haven't release this set yet. Its not even listed under 'upcoming'. Someone at that Wal-Mart made a clerk error and put it on the shelf before they were suppose too. As far as I know, I'm the only one with this set before its suppose to be release.



Re: Happy board

Posted: 26 May 2015 17:36
by Jatsko

Re: Happy board

Posted: 26 May 2015 17:56
by Sublevel 114

Re: Happy board

Posted: 26 May 2015 18:04
by - ak -
The TWINS are in second place of division :D *do a little jig and dance*

Watch out, Paranormal. Your Tigers' reign of terror is coming to an end... Maybe.

Re: Happy board

Posted: 27 May 2015 01:09
Mateusz Skutnik wrote:I also might attempt creating something completely new based on fusion between Submachine and Daymare Town.
...I'm showing you this because there is a slim possibility that one day I'll make a game that looks like this.
Revolutions, I think, already looks like something between of Submachine and DMT, with these machines, and the citizens.

Re: Happy board

Posted: 27 May 2015 17:37
by Anonymous2
There, re-signed my apartment lease for another year. ^_^

Re: Happy board

Posted: 27 May 2015 17:38
by Jatsko

have a happy year of living :D

Re: Happy board

Posted: 27 May 2015 22:17
by Paranormal
- ak - wrote:The TWINS are in second place of division :D *do a little jig and dance*

Watch out, Paranormal. Your Tigers' reign of terror is coming to an end... Maybe.
Yet, 2/3rd of the season is still to come. What really matters is team position in September, because May is a totally more relaxed period then September.

I see the Twins' finishing above .500, not getting the Wild Card. :lol:

Re: Happy board

Posted: 03 Jun 2015 18:34
by RoentgenDevice
Today was an art exhibition with works from students and from an art project group I joined. The manageress, who also heads the project group, gave me an extra lot of exhibition space. Additionally, a lot of guests semt very interested and asked me stuff about my paintings. My inner fame whore was quite satisfied today. 8-)