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Re: PF memes

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 22:25
by Sundex
Hmm. That could be anyone...

Re: PF memes

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:50
by Augustus

Re: PF memes

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:56
by Augustus
So some context, all you need to know, me, no sleep for 25 hours now, so this was the picture I requested, origenal artist is: Harofax! Awesome dude. Defenatly gonna watch his streams, link to his insta: If he posted this picture (Which I doubt he will since it is litterly Morbid Icarly)

Re: PF memes

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 07:31
by Sublevel 114
I understood only one thing of these two posts:
I want to kill Pastel Games, lol.

Re: PF memes

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 18:26
by Augustus

Re: PF memes

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 18:55
by Sundex
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:How I see members:

001010: A man made of "0" and "1"
12Vegeta12: Vegeta Super Sayian 12!
Abacus: A robot with an abacus head
adfx: Some dude of the Core
Aiden Wylie: A girl with transdimensional stuff
AK: A guy in infrarred
Alamos: Cyborg Stalin capable of transform into an half wolf, half deer creature
Alex TC99: A Navi'i
Alex Voytenko: some ucranian musician
Ancient Crystal: A floating sentient wisdom gem
AnnaOCD: A girl with datadisks
Anteroinen: A slug
AristocratLolita: A goth girl
Argonbolt: Monster Sponge
Asteriski: A dude with asterisk head
avihS: A god of darkness
Azareus: Cybertronic viking
Babylon: An elderly bald guy with thumbs up
Bender: A 2.5 dimensional hausdorff cubic tesseract placed on the wall
Benegnaro: An epic hero with long sword
Ben Eulb: An epic wizard with long beard
Benn Nërg: A crazy german mad engineer
Benogidni: Some italian dude
Bentel OIV: A dude with OIV+
Bent Gil: A Gil that Bender bent so much
Ben Volley: A volley player
Berty: A sentient furry with transpahair
Bloodhit: A creeper hunter
Bluenoob: Poorly drawn blue creature
Bohl: Cold girl sitting in the wall
Boingo: Bouncing ball
Bonbon: A bonbon
Bonworb: Murtaugh's right hand
Borys: A gnome created to be face of newies
Brownnoob: Poorly drawn brown creature
Carolita Villada: Some colombian girl
Chaos: A sentient alligator
Cone: A traffic cone
CrestedT: A crested bird
Culorore: A monster with a great butt
Daniel Chavez: Some latine researcher
Darkrose: A monster with a darkrose in the back
Darrin: A dude in the lab
Death Road: A crab that spits purple clouds, when his shell breaks it reveals his true form: an gigantic monster creature
Decoder: A dude from 80's
Desmodus: A golden horse statue
DespEro: A woman with a purple tophat
Detroit Tigers: A paranormal tiger with pointy ears
Diamonds: Stickman with cap
DiscoMcDisco: A disco dancer
Dr. NotSoNice: A dwarf ugly mad scientist
Dvanisawesome: An awesome looking dude made of energy
Eastwood: A girl at east's woods
Einstein: A black cat
Electric Breeze: Some blond dude
Elizabeth: The healer
Elodin: A living karma scheme
Emergency Drive 1334: An emergency drive
ENIHCAMBUS: A scanner cube
Erindis: Some random brick in the wall
Error 3113: A statue of a woman
Fear the Darkness: A goth dude
FedericoF: Ninja of dharma
Frodo: Frodo
Gemini: A cat statue
Gil: A computer addict and mememance
God Samuel: A god whose name is Samuel
Green: Mr. Green
Greennoob: Poorly drawn green creature
Guacamole man: A mexican that loves guacamole
ILUVSubmachine: Something that realy loves Submachine
Indigonoob: Poorly drawn indigo creature
Ink-jam: steampunk octupus
Into the Void: Ghost boy
Isobel: Red-haired sorceress
JackO: Man-plant-machine
Jomarcenter: Latine dude that owns a center
Julia Tusz: A photographist
Kakama: A robot with the mask of speed
Kievur: Some dude from Kiev
Knowlegde: A monolith
Lemartes: A french in Tuesday
Les Paul: A french sound engineer
Levelbus: Dark evil bunny that drives an explosive leveled bus
Lightnoob: Poorly drawn creature made of light
Living Pyramid: Self-explanatory
Lmcuadros: A living picture
Lorre: A sentient mist
Lucas Gelati: Some dude called Lucas Gelati
Lyds: A led
Marbles: Nut chucking squirrel
Mateusz Skutnik: Subgod
Mr. EMan: A living skeleton
Momruoy: Your mom
Mono: Smoking shadow
Mordikai: A dude of the core that likes storing data
Murtaugh: A dude with a missing arm and a karma arm
NavyOfficer: Navy officer with flags for communication
nenioretnA: Living dragon skeleton
Neurostatictoxin: A dude from 80's with stripped glasses
Nohr: A complete orange dude that likes his moustache
Noobnoob: Poorly drawn invicible creature
OctoWolwerine: Black-haired woman with metal claws and tentacles
ognioB: An huge pneumatic android
Orangenoob: Poorly drawn orange creature
Paula Saavedra: Some girl from Rylei
Pkailes: Pickle dude
Post: A sentient tetrahedron
Programsub 23: A computer virus
Pulsaris: A frog statue olding a staff
PyroDude: A dude that controls fire
PyroGirl: A bunny with many loops
Rafael: A royal guard
Rainbowpoptartunicorn: Self-explantory, but with cheese
RapidRaccoon: A racoon
Raxas: A crazy looking dude
Redafro: A guy with a red afro
redneB: A coward demon
Rednoob: Poorly drawn red creature
REDX: Extreme dude with a red "X" in the chest
retraC: Unknown dark entity
Robobrain: A dude with robotic brain
RomaH: A key master
Roosterman: A rooster
Rulocore: A mindfuck metamorphing dude
Sakuya Neko: A anime girl with white hair
Seaflower: A girl with a guitar
Selena: A woman in the middle of the full moon
Serrus: A dumb 3D dude
ShadowNil: A Nil in shadows
Shiva: Hindu God
Skutul: Evil Subgod
Smartguy: A small blue dude
SoLost: Lost in Subnet
Sruixan: A blue living palm
Starks Hayter: Spaceship captain
Strange planet: A gas planet with rings
Subbot #100: Maintenance unit
Subbot Smasher: Subbot with a big hammer
SubHunter: A hunter sitting near the hospital
SubKone: A shocked cyan bear
Sublevel: Flame exploding radioactive russian assasin insane submachiner evil karma bunny
Submachine AL: Submachine adventurer
Submachine Allocater: Allocating unit
SubProgram 32: A bountyhunter android
Subprupp: An odd swedish in a capsule
Sundayfever: A croatian girl
syroB: Strong elderly gnome that spits syrup from his muscles
Taka: A dude whose eyes are covered with his hair
TDDP: A survivalist with pompous shirt
Terein: Dragon of life
The Lone Watcher: A completely covered watcher
Theta: A ginger
TheVoid: A penguin
Thoth: An ancient divine egyptian entity
Thunderdasher: A pony
Tiamat: A dude with haxmat suit
Tocë: A plumber
Ultrassil: A detective
Violetnoob: Poorly drawn violet creature
Vortex: A man in black with Vortex head
Voxproximity: Dimensional anomaly
Vurn: A horned monster, when his head is broken it reveals his true form: A blond dude
Weary With Toil: A pigeon with toil
Weaver: A weaver beaver that loves rubies
Wellan: A jumping red slime
World is Quiet: A tall red-haired dude
Xenyth: A woman in middle of xenith
xetroV: Smoking gay crow, has a final form that involves in sharing a gay star on his gay chest
YamiX: A rich cartographist
Yellownoob: Poorly drawn yellow creature
Yoshi: A yoshi
Zerpentos: An albine serpient
Zephirius Jixx: A mage in blue
Zombieshooter: A mobster cat
Zombyrus: A zombie with pumpkin head
What about me... :(

Re: PF memes

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 19:18
That post was made years before you joined the forum. It used to represent the physical appearances of the members on my "Guardians of the Submachine/Pastel Universe" stories, but this list is quite outdated, as they are some representations that were either wrong (Aiden is a man) or outdated (Ben Eulb doesn't has a long beard as of its current iteration).

These were mostly based on aspects such as avatars and some jokes and memes that have risen about members. If were to picture you, you'd probably be some sort of sentient karmic seal? I kind of like certain characters to be simple items turned sentient because of "Karmic Stuff", makes sense in contest, hehehe!

Re: PF memes

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 20:57
by Sublevel 114
thx for bumping this, it was fun to read this gain. XD

Re: PF memes

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 21:43
by Prupp
I love my signature ^^

Re: PF memes

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 20:25
by Prupp