Re: PF memes
Posted: 10 Feb 2018 22:25
Hmm. That could be anyone...
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
What about me...ENIHCAMBUS wrote:How I see members:
001010: A man made of "0" and "1"
12Vegeta12: Vegeta Super Sayian 12!
Abacus: A robot with an abacus head
adfx: Some dude of the Core
Aiden Wylie: A girl with transdimensional stuff
AK: A guy in infrarred
Alamos: Cyborg Stalin capable of transform into an half wolf, half deer creature
Alex TC99: A Navi'i
Alex Voytenko: some ucranian musician
Ancient Crystal: A floating sentient wisdom gem
AnnaOCD: A girl with datadisks
Anteroinen: A slug
AristocratLolita: A goth girl
Argonbolt: Monster Sponge
Asteriski: A dude with asterisk head
avihS: A god of darkness
Azareus: Cybertronic viking
Babylon: An elderly bald guy with thumbs up
Bender: A 2.5 dimensional hausdorff cubic tesseract placed on the wall
Benegnaro: An epic hero with long sword
Ben Eulb: An epic wizard with long beard
Benn Nërg: A crazy german mad engineer
Benogidni: Some italian dude
Bentel OIV: A dude with OIV+
Bent Gil: A Gil that Bender bent so much
Ben Volley: A volley player
Berty: A sentient furry with transpahair
Bloodhit: A creeper hunter
Bluenoob: Poorly drawn blue creature
Bohl: Cold girl sitting in the wall
Boingo: Bouncing ball
Bonbon: A bonbon
Bonworb: Murtaugh's right hand
Borys: A gnome created to be face of newies
Brownnoob: Poorly drawn brown creature
Carolita Villada: Some colombian girl
Chaos: A sentient alligator
Cone: A traffic cone
CrestedT: A crested bird
Culorore: A monster with a great butt
Daniel Chavez: Some latine researcher
Darkrose: A monster with a darkrose in the back
Darrin: A dude in the lab
Death Road: A crab that spits purple clouds, when his shell breaks it reveals his true form: an gigantic monster creature
Decoder: A dude from 80's
Desmodus: A golden horse statue
DespEro: A woman with a purple tophat
Detroit Tigers: A paranormal tiger with pointy ears
Diamonds: Stickman with cap
DiscoMcDisco: A disco dancer
Dr. NotSoNice: A dwarf ugly mad scientist
Dvanisawesome: An awesome looking dude made of energy
Eastwood: A girl at east's woods
Einstein: A black cat
Electric Breeze: Some blond dude
Elizabeth: The healer
Elodin: A living karma scheme
Emergency Drive 1334: An emergency drive
ENIHCAMBUS: A scanner cube
Erindis: Some random brick in the wall
Error 3113: A statue of a woman
Fear the Darkness: A goth dude
FedericoF: Ninja of dharma
Frodo: Frodo
Gemini: A cat statue
Gil: A computer addict and mememance
God Samuel: A god whose name is Samuel
Green: Mr. Green
Greennoob: Poorly drawn green creature
Guacamole man: A mexican that loves guacamole
ILUVSubmachine: Something that realy loves Submachine
Indigonoob: Poorly drawn indigo creature
Ink-jam: steampunk octupus
Into the Void: Ghost boy
Isobel: Red-haired sorceress
JackO: Man-plant-machine
Jomarcenter: Latine dude that owns a center
Julia Tusz: A photographist
Kakama: A robot with the mask of speed
Kievur: Some dude from Kiev
Knowlegde: A monolith
Lemartes: A french in Tuesday
Les Paul: A french sound engineer
Levelbus: Dark evil bunny that drives an explosive leveled bus
Lightnoob: Poorly drawn creature made of light
Living Pyramid: Self-explanatory
Lmcuadros: A living picture
Lorre: A sentient mist
Lucas Gelati: Some dude called Lucas Gelati
Lyds: A led
Marbles: Nut chucking squirrel
Mateusz Skutnik: Subgod
Mr. EMan: A living skeleton
Momruoy: Your mom
Mono: Smoking shadow
Mordikai: A dude of the core that likes storing data
Murtaugh: A dude with a missing arm and a karma arm
NavyOfficer: Navy officer with flags for communication
nenioretnA: Living dragon skeleton
Neurostatictoxin: A dude from 80's with stripped glasses
Nohr: A complete orange dude that likes his moustache
Noobnoob: Poorly drawn invicible creature
OctoWolwerine: Black-haired woman with metal claws and tentacles
ognioB: An huge pneumatic android
Orangenoob: Poorly drawn orange creature
Paula Saavedra: Some girl from Rylei
Pkailes: Pickle dude
Post: A sentient tetrahedron
Programsub 23: A computer virus
Pulsaris: A frog statue olding a staff
PyroDude: A dude that controls fire
PyroGirl: A bunny with many loops
Rafael: A royal guard
Rainbowpoptartunicorn: Self-explantory, but with cheese
RapidRaccoon: A racoon
Raxas: A crazy looking dude
Redafro: A guy with a red afro
redneB: A coward demon
Rednoob: Poorly drawn red creature
REDX: Extreme dude with a red "X" in the chest
retraC: Unknown dark entity
Robobrain: A dude with robotic brain
RomaH: A key master
Roosterman: A rooster
Rulocore: A mindfuck metamorphing dude
Sakuya Neko: A anime girl with white hair
Seaflower: A girl with a guitar
Selena: A woman in the middle of the full moon
Serrus: A dumb 3D dude
ShadowNil: A Nil in shadows
Shiva: Hindu God
Skutul: Evil Subgod
Smartguy: A small blue dude
SoLost: Lost in Subnet
Sruixan: A blue living palm
Starks Hayter: Spaceship captain
Strange planet: A gas planet with rings
Subbot #100: Maintenance unit
Subbot Smasher: Subbot with a big hammer
SubHunter: A hunter sitting near the hospital
SubKone: A shocked cyan bear
Sublevel: Flame exploding radioactive russian assasin insane submachiner evil karma bunny
Submachine AL: Submachine adventurer
Submachine Allocater: Allocating unit
SubProgram 32: A bountyhunter android
Subprupp: An odd swedish in a capsule
Sundayfever: A croatian girl
syroB: Strong elderly gnome that spits syrup from his muscles
Taka: A dude whose eyes are covered with his hair
TDDP: A survivalist with pompous shirt
Terein: Dragon of life
The Lone Watcher: A completely covered watcher
Theta: A ginger
TheVoid: A penguin
Thoth: An ancient divine egyptian entity
Thunderdasher: A pony
Tiamat: A dude with haxmat suit
Tocë: A plumber
Ultrassil: A detective
Violetnoob: Poorly drawn violet creature
Vortex: A man in black with Vortex head
Voxproximity: Dimensional anomaly
Vurn: A horned monster, when his head is broken it reveals his true form: A blond dude
Weary With Toil: A pigeon with toil
Weaver: A weaver beaver that loves rubies
Wellan: A jumping red slime
World is Quiet: A tall red-haired dude
Xenyth: A woman in middle of xenith
xetroV: Smoking gay crow, has a final form that involves in sharing a gay star on his gay chest
YamiX: A rich cartographist
Yellownoob: Poorly drawn yellow creature
Yoshi: A yoshi
Zerpentos: An albine serpient
Zephirius Jixx: A mage in blue
Zombieshooter: A mobster cat
Zombyrus: A zombie with pumpkin head