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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 19:57
by Babylon
What are the big photo viewer in the corner, with the glowing rings on top for? They appear to be adjustable, as if they were a telescope or something similar, but they don't really show anything except some lense flare and some blurry lines.

The blue rings, as well, I don't believe I've seen anything else like them anywhere in the subnet.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 20:09
by Sublevel 114
"He sees you"
That sounds scary...

Of course Murtaugh is first matching. But...

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 20:28
by MateuszSkutnik
Subbot #499 wrote:So does that mean that this was written by a lost exploration team?
Which part of
that's all I'm saying.
you don't understand?


Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 20:35
by Sublevel 114
Mateusz, I think his speech was directed to us. :D

Edit: yeah. just theorizing. :)

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 20:37
by Subbot #499
MateuszSkutnik wrote:
Subbot #499 wrote:So does that mean that this was written by a lost exploration team?
Which part of
that's all I'm saying.
you don't understand?

I wasn't asking you :roll:, I was just theorizing.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 21:36
by MateuszSkutnik

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 22:11
by WorldisQuiet5256
Void Molders.

And No, I will not just blindly accept it.
To do so would be Suicide.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 02:22
So its about exploration teams...
Fine, I believed that where the locations of Sub8 the ones that dammished.

BTW, it seems Mur is capable of destroying an entire location.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 06:13
by - ak -
I think Mateusz is basically saying that the latest new location in Sub_Universe is NOT part of the upcoming Temple section in Sub_9.

Possibly one of the old testing section, which is why it may would have fits nicely in Sub_4. Which is also why there's a note from the old exploration team.

And that specific phrase... don't forget that it was hinted in Sub_8 that Mur could be in several different Layers at once, giving him an ability to see all.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 19:34
by WorldisQuiet5256
Just to confirm, there is still no place left to put the remaining weight stone/companion cube.

Edit: Last Question, is there more than one New Location.