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Re: Meditations

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 01:39
by WorldisQuiet5256
It was, but I was not aware I had to make a final version.
I had to split the post in half casue the character limit was 600,000, and I went over 670,000.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 06:46
by The Kakama
Random thing to think about:
So back at the National Service camp in Pahang, the people there are very superstitious,(for an example someone stole a few thousand ringgit from the shop in the camp, and they decided to call a shaman instead of, you know, the police) and there had been some cases of "ghosts". For an example, one time a girl who was out of her dorm late at night thought she saw a ghost and caused a great ruckus (which is weird since I go out almost every night at 3am to go to the toilet and didn't see anything -_-). Anyway, one time during one of the exercises a guy got "possessed" and the exercise was cancelled, but I got to see the uy for myself. He looked normal (abeit emotionless) but he did behave a lot like you'd expect a person hypnotized to behave. Hmm...

Re: Meditations

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 17:19
by WorldisQuiet5256
I've been hypnosis before.
It was when my High School Graduation party, and this Hypnotist came, and I volunteered to be one of the subjects. And according to the people I talk to afterwords, I was them most affect by the results. Every time the hypnotist shouted "Cassopolis!" I could feel someone pinching my butt-tocks cheek. There were one person to my left and right, and about 3 or 4 people who could reach me from behind. When I think back on it, I remember how my nerve endings in my ass regions were twitching where my brain was reading it as "Pinching", but I also remember how there was no pressure applied on my skin or cargo pant's.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 17:31
by Jatsko

Well then

this could be the strangest thing I've read all day :lol:

Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 06:58
by The Kakama
I think your hypnotist is Bender. :P
But what was it like being hypnotised?

Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 08:34
by RoentgenDevice
Stuff like this is great for underground- styled CD Covers.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 09:50
by Boingo
Oh wow.


Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 17:22
That's one of Culorore powers! XD

Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 18:18
by Sublevel 114

Re: Meditations

Posted: 09 Apr 2015 23:57
by WorldisQuiet5256

I've been off the forum for a couple of days due to a bunch of class work, work-work, and House Work.
What been going on here?