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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 10:48
by Boingo
Maybe that's The Plan.
Capital letters.

To fuse all seven layers in a controlled area (sector nine) in the submachine?
Perhaps the Submachine wanted to carry on making itself more complex, so it would be harder to be defeated by invaders, and it created nine plus sectors in which the fuses were created.

( has this been said before....? :? )

Maybe we should move this conversation to a new thread called "repeated argumentative theories" 8-)

Easy. The submachine controls its own physics.
In its realm, submachine is the Architect.
(No, not Mateusz)

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 16:39
by RuloCore
Boingo wrote:Maybe that's The Plan.
Capital letters.

To fuse all seven layers in a controlled area (sector nine) in the submachine?
Perhaps the Submachine wanted to carry on making itself more complex, so it would be harder to be defeated by invaders, and it created nine plus sectors in which the fuses were created.

( has this been said before....? :? )

Maybe we should move this conversation to a new thread called "repeated argumentative theories" 8-)

Easy. The submachine controls its own physics.
In its realm, submachine is the Architect.
(No, not Mateusz)
Well, my theory of the sectors says something similar. There would be (at least) nine sectors where ONLY there we can travel through one layer to another, so it's also fair that only there we could fuse the layers.

I don't understand the last paragraph.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 22:48
by Boingo
Last Paragraph- I meant that that it wouldn't all go kaboom because the submachine won't let it. :ugeek:

And the green beam things, the navigators- perhaps they create a field.

:!: I think we are really in need of a new thread called "repeated argumentative theories"!!!!!! :!:

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 14 Jan 2013 00:06
by Rooster5man
So create it?

On-Topic: When is the new Theory Voting session?

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 14 Jan 2013 00:14
by Vortex
Tomorrow night :)

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 00:00
by Boingo
During the past few days Vortex and I (with a suggestion or two from RuloCore) have been discussing a categorization system for the theories about submachine.
The main use would be "easy checking" whether your theory or a similar one has already been created. (This keeps happening to me!)
The way it works is that you first think of the most important factor in your theory- if it is physics, then pick the secondary.

Submachine Theories about a/an:

a) Location (Specifically a room)

b) Time/Event (e.g. Creation of Submachine)

c) Object/Thing/Person (e.g. Valve or Liz)

d) Game (In general, as a whole.)

In each of these sections, there is another question that narrows the search down.
a) and c) have "WHERE", giving a list of big areas like the "subnet", "SNEE", "In Games", "other".
b) has "TIME", giving a range of options like "In series", "Pre-series", "Predictions of Future Games" and "Future Events"
d) has two options, "In series" and "Spin-offs".

I can't show it on here, as it would be too hard to type it all out, but it gets into smaller sections like "Physics", "Use", "Reason", and "Creation"; with a final list of theories that may apply to the one that you are thinking of.
And it's all in a section on the wiki.

(Do you guys think this is worth the effort?)

Vortex likes it, anyhow. :)

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 00:08
by Rooster5man
I think I would like that. People (like myself) wouldn't spend time thinking up a Theory that already existed if we had some sort of Theory categorization that breaks down certain elements of the Theory (i.e. my idea of Wisdom Energy already being theorized by someone else, but my expansion upon it.)

I guess if we tweaked it some, it may be a very good asset.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 00:54
by Boingo
Yeah, people like yourself and me!

What kinds of assets?

Hey, I need more criticism everybody!? :twisted:

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 02:59
by WorldisQuiet5256
Boingo wrote:Hey, I need more criticism everybody!? :twisted:
Does "u r Crazy" fill that title. you feel like this guy? Not trying to be mean just helping you.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 03:08
by Boingo
" I fear your condition is uncurable, sir."
