Team Alpha: Screw gravity and escape from Iranch to Foer.
They can't screw the gravity! It's beyond their powers to fuck with abstraction of distorted nature!
Command: A-team: Uh... Keep falling I guess. Not that you have much of a choice.
Command: Ener: Keep calling for Foer since you think he can get you down.
Decide on who the least important this group is and elect them to be the person to be the crash matt for when they enevitably fall what looks like several hundred stories from one place to another.
Alternatively, decide on who would be most likely to survive and use them as a crash mat.
Ascend to godhood?
Alternately: Ener: BLEAH
All they can do is to fly up, up, and away to whatever their destination is! During their GODHOOD ASCENSION, our Team Alpha contemplates with the fine irony of sacrificing oneself for his/her team.
Ener, just stop. There's nothing we can do about your Foer now.
Nooooooo… Why are we flying away???
Flying is the natural balance within the fringe of limitations.
Well… even if I hate this place, I can't deny the awesomeness of this GODHOOD ASCENSION.
God of what? Boinking? :3
Naturally. And Ka-Ley would be the Beautiful Goddess of Second-Rated Poetry.
Repeating the ignorant fucker's unhinged biased criticism warranted a MOVING ON. If impact is to be inevitable against upcoming barrier, who are to volunteer as a safety cushion?
Not it not it not it not it not it not it not it not it not it not it not it, etc…
I would with me metal leg, arrg matey.
And Savvy Captain Steel Leg is…
Oh for the love of Exquisite Goddess of First-Rated Poetry…
Much appreciated.
If you utter a single lame pirate joke, I am gonna shave your furs off.
… is
pegging away for the team >:3
THAT'S IT!!! It's au revoir to thy luxurious furs!
Not if you have a razor, so sad too bad.
Interruption is necessary as a drifting terrain is within the horizon. A pirate joke, it is definitely not.
Thanks, Ka.
All right, it's time to shut up, zip up, and ready yourself to abscond like hell. We still got that damn Tentagib after our tails.