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Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 18:22
by - ak -
  • (They don't even remember something they mentioned...? Suspicious.)

    COMMAND: ENER: Ask if they know about THE PLANT.

    COMMAND: MADDOX: Carry some LIGHT into the dark corridor. It is weird light after all.
  • and the other one looks bit like a rodent :3

Rodent, Kangaroo, same thing. :P XD

    COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf all he knows about the "light void."

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 18:24
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: MADDOX: Carry some LIGHT into the dark corridor. It is weird light after all.

Maddox constantly FACEPALMING at your COMMANDS.



  • COMMAND: ENER: Ask if they know about THE PLANT.


You guys know about that creepy plant?


Not really. This amphibian might knows more.


Beside its herbal healing quality, not much. Of course, they could grow bit uncontrollably like that. We seen few of them from the previous locations.
COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf all he knows about the "light void."


You said you saw the light void before. You know what it is?


You're asking the wrong rat. No, I don't. Sorry.


Neither do I.


We do have a few theories about it.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 18:26
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf and Quall for their theories, and take a leaf off the plant for its healing properties for later.
Subbot smasher
  • Ener: ask Elouf and Quall for help with the computer.
+ show inventory
  • COMMAND: MADDOX: Input "Open the DOOR on the WESTERN wall." to the COMPUTER.
  • Damn, I dont know which one is which.
  • (just logged back on, and my first reaction: ENER has encountered a wild MEWTWO and CROGUNK)

    Explore the other doors.
  • COMMAND: Maddox: Call Ener and ask him to give the WELDER back to him to be able to navigate in the DARK CORRIDOR ROOM. Then, put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH.

    And if u need, go get back the CORD to power up the room...

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 18:33
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: MADDOX: Input "Open the DOOR on the WESTERN wall." to the COMPUTER.

Wouldn't works because the DOOR CONSOLE on the wall is broken and the COMPUTER doesn't have the functionality of opening it.
COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf and Quall for their theories, and take a leaf off the plant for its healing properties for later.


So what's your theories?

Let see, where to start...


I always theorized that we could be in dream.


As if that's plausible... we could be in a shared consciousness. Our ideas could have damaged everything.


Shared consciousness required a foundation of thought which is controlled by one and only one being.


Oh quiet... let see... oh yeah, it could all be the memory experiment, distorting our...


That still didn't explain the light void and the fractured environments we are in. There could have been a great battle from all sides that resulted in this.


Hello? The light void? Still didn't explains it. And if we did came from all of different sides, how can we understand each other? We may come from one big culture. Maybe we came from the other realm.


Have you considered the possibilities that we could been LIVING in this light void realm all of time?


I did, but we should be able to remember it... creature minds are tricky things... I remember Kelen said back then that all of this could have been related to the Awakening Event a long time ago where most of creatures gained self-awareness.


But how does our bodies go back a step in evolution? Another theory of mine is that all of this could have been one big stimulation.

Yes, that the one we agreed on... but I can't quite be sure yet... That's why we're going to ask Doctor Dodd about all of this.


Doctor Dodd?


He's in the LAB over to the EAST.


Let me check and get that PLANT.


  • ENER:

    Explore the other doors.


I don't think you should do that.


Why not?

Because beyond the WESTERN DOOR is quite unstable. And we are blocking the door behind us to keep anyone from possibly freeing that maniac inside. And the EASTERN DOOR is locked by Doctor Dodd. He's only letting in few people at a time by calling the number. We are here to meet with Doctor Dodd so we can ask him if he know anything about the situation.

If you don't have a NUMBER SLIP, you can't meet with him. He's very busy with his research on this Situation or so I heard.


Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 22:49
by - ak -
  • MADDOX: Put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH. I have a good feeling about that one....maybe.

He doesn't have light...-ak- established that a billion times, man.
  • ENER:

    Enquire about this maniac person.
  • COMMAND: Ener: Tell them (QUALL and ELOUF)about Daniel and Maddox

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 22:54
by - ak -
  • MADDOX: Put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH. I have a good feeling about that one....maybe.

    He doesn't have light...-ak- established that a billion times, man.

And this warrants the Maddox's FRUSTRATED FACEPALM once more.

Good job.

  • ENER:

    Enquire about this maniac person.


Who is this maniac you referred to?


His name is Ulom. He's an insect being. I am not sure if his mind is snapped or not, but I warned you to stay away from him.


He's a cannibal.


Ummm... what?






GAH!!! Ok, warnings accepted...
COMMAND: Ener: Tell them (QUALL and ELOUF) about Daniel and Maddox

Grawr! I met two tail-less beings after awaking from a while ago. Their names are Maddox and Daniel and they're both males. You know of them?


Maddox? No, not a clue. The name does sounds familiar though...


But we did met Daniel before. What a freak.


I agreed. He was originally suppose to wait for his number to be called by Doctor Dodd, but he got a message from an Engineer about some sort of job. We asked Daniel if we could help him with his job and he shot us down. He gave us this NUMBER SLIP and left afterward.


Do you see him all twisty and bendy like that?


Ener: ask Elouf and Quall for help with the computer.


Can you help us with the COMPUTER down there?


Unfortunately, no. We can't risk missing our number call here.


Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 22:56
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Ener: Go explore unstable area!
EDIT: lol, Maddox must have hurted his face with all thsi facepalms, anyway.

    COMMAND: Maddox: Call Ener and ask him to give the WELDER back to him to be able to navigate in the DARK CORRIDOR ROOM. Then, put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH.

    This was the real COMMAND, but I think its wrong...

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 22:57
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Ener: Go explore unstable area!


Well, I should go over to the WEST and explore that unstable area.


No, you can't. Quall and I made sure to lock that door down until we learn more about the situation from Doctor Dodd and resume our exploration.


How about this? You can get a NUMBER SLIP by yourself from the NUMBER SLIP GENERATOR. You and Maddox can go into Doctor Dodd's LAB after we finished asking him questions. That way, you and Maddox can ask him questions to learn more by yourself. Afterward, we four can work together on finding the way out rather than splitting up and risk our doom one by one.


Like that idiotic fucker of Daniel and that bitch of Kelen.


That sounds like a good idea. But what is the NUMBER SLIP GENERATOR you keep speaking of?


I never seen one either...


It looks like this:


Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 22:59
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Ener: Ask them about who is Kelen and, also, ask them how they woke up and how they met each other. :-) ( I like a lot the story, just want to know more)
  • There we go...But I'll one-up that. (not referring to Yami, referring to what the Number Slip Generator is)

    COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf if there's anything he'd trade for his Number Slip, even though he needs it badly.
who is Kelen

I thought the woman who was with Maddox, back in Chapter One...

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 23:01
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Ener: Ask them about who is Kelen and, also, ask them how they woke up and how they met each other. :-) ( I like a lot the story, just want to know more)

The NARRATOR is very pleased to hear that :3



You mentioned Kelen. Maddox also mentioned Kelen. Who is she?


That bitch? She's a nurse. And an arrogant one at that.


I originally wanted her to come along with, but she kept sprouting out commands and directions as if she know what she's doing. Annoyed me to no ends.


And don't ask us if she know anything about the Situation. She didn't. She's just as clueless as we are despite the so called "encyclopedia mind" she claimed to have. Of course, we did learned about the Awakening Event from her, but that isn't enough for us to keep her in our team. She eventually decided to split after she mentioned about getting a job.


A job? From who?


The Engineer, of course.
COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf if there's anything he'd trade for his Number Slip, even though he needs it badly.


Since we four are in this together, maybe I can join with you guys? Or maybe me and Maddox can trade you a slip so we can go in and ask?


Sorry, only a two can go at the same time. Also, early bird get a worm. Though we did see an avian being earlier.


A cute one too at that. Sorry, Ener. The best bet you can get is create a NUMBER SLIP by yourself.


But that EASTERN CORRIDOR ROOM is all dark without power! It not working as of now... beside, Maddox need a CORD and I couldn't find any of SPARE CORD on my side!


There are CORDS everywhere. Has Maddox even searched for a SPARE CORD on his side?