I don't think they always were. Ooo, you've uncovered more unstated assumptions. Seriously, are you called rooster because of your tenacious and precise tendency to peck things into pieces, perhaps to scratch until hidden things are uncovered!??? @XD
XD! Have to make assumptions to reach conclusions
1st, I was actually thinking the Layer 5 people, at least some of them, ARE the Architects. They aren't so much "Explorers" in this case, like Mur and Co, but "solvers." So the dialogue about "who needs gods with Architects like these," would be between either between two junior or underling Architects, or that is a dialogue between some of Mur's men who are in awe of what the Architects do.
Interesting...And Liz
is a Solver,
If he's the explorer, she's the solver
So it's possible, even though we wouldn't know one way or the other at this point.
While the DefSys was up, the Architects had no need to close the connection between our local Core and the other 6 Cores. This connection would have been the Knot as the Plan was ruined. When the DefSys went down, the Beamers shut down... or perhaps the Beamers reset every time someone enters the Temple. And as I've said in my newest theory, the Knot was at least a demonstration of the Plan and was also either designed to act as yet another DefSys, or retrofitted to be such.
And I agreed with that theory - The Knot being a "man-made DefSys," as I put it. I see though - You're saying we needed to reactivate the Beamers because the DefSys connected with them, thus shutting them down when the DefSys shut down. Besides Game Mechanics, why would we have to find Beamer parts then and not
just the energy sources to fuel the Beamers? I think someone, like Mur, shut them down in order to stop us from coming after him. Either conclusion is possible, or even another.
So, let's see here. Liz is just hanging out in the Core until Mur comes. Why isn't she with the rest of the Architects/Layer 5 people? Not sure... or perhaps most of them are with her until they all evacuate. The notes in Sub8seem to indicate that at least some are just hanging out in the Loop... unless they are all from Mur's team, which I'm not sure I believe.
To hide from Mur - Liz probably is/was the "Guardian of the Core" since all others were doomed to be taken revenge against Mur. Liz was the only one Mur was even slightly friends with (i.e. Lighthouse Notes.) Once she awaits Mur to find his way back into The Core (in the slight possibility that he does, even though she didn't believe he would), she immediately goes to warn those hiding from Mur.
Another possibility is she isn't in the Layers because she's supposed to help "The Player," and they chose Liz to do so (besides hiding from Mur's revenge) because she may be the best person to help The Player. (or - Game Mechanics - because Mateusz wanted us to hear from Liz and not some random person who can help us.)
1. Layer 1 of the Knot is within a part of our local Core (Yet if so, why was the green portal so dramatically long?).
Layer 1
is everything we saw Pre-Sub8, I believe. Everything else might be (or definitely is) a copy.
"Dramatically long" - Possibly Game Mechanics yet again, because it
was the ending of Sub7.
2. Our local Subnet is all in a single dimensional bubble, though it is probably filled with other bubbles (ala Loops and infinite corridors). The Knot is in a separate bubble and that is where Liz's escape pod "jumped" to (so yes, I'm now also assuming that her escape pod has some kind of teleport drive in it) and Mur's portal led to.
Too many bubbles XD I used "bubble" in the sense that it's a gap between two Dimensions, not exactly a dimension of its own though - Doctor Who,
The Doctor's Wife, is what I'm referring to, being on the edge of the Universe, but not in the next Dimension. I think the Loops and corridors are
part of the "single dimensional bubble," being the SubNet, and, according to your Theory, the Knot is a bubble off of that Universe. (Even though, personally, I still slightly believe, as Mateusz indicated, each Layer is its own seperate Dimension, no "bubbles" involved.)
At any rate, it seems clear that the other layers of the Knot are not in the Subnet because Mateusz has indicated that the other layers might not even have a Subnet (hence, again, the change in aesthetics, I presume.
This was Mateusz's quote, which I assume you're referring to:
hmm, I always thought that the loop in submachine3 was some sort of a passage. Just a path, a road to something or somewhere. As for other theories. Submachines were created here on earth in the early 20th century. I agree that all of them are in one dimension. But on the other hand it is also possible that some of them were taken out of this world and put SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Couldn't we assume that the "somewhere else" in question is referring to the other Layers, in which there
are (or must be) other version of the SubNet? Especially that early in the Series? However, if he really
was referring to how other Layers don't have SubNets, then I'll admit I'm wrong
I think the main idea is that the Architects, if that is who they are, are not interested in exploring the Subnet an it's Core because it is the failed copy. They station people there, like Liz, for research and other purposes, but the Architects are, or where, doubtlessly stretched out over all the layers trying to figure out a way to salvage the Plan.
I like that thought....However! If they
knew The Core was a failed copy, why do they care that Mur's destroying it? Is it because destroying The Core ends up destroying The Plan? And if so, with Mur knowing that, why would Mur even destroy the Core knowing it destroys The Plan? It's a paradox - According to this thought, neither Mur nor the Architects want to destroy The Plan, yet they both know that The Core is a failed copy, so they
should destroy it. Right?
So, that reminds me of something that has been brought up: if the Subnet/Core is such a failed copy, why haven't they tried to erase it or just let Mur's portals destroy it? I'm guessing that while they don't care one bit about the Subnet, they do still care about our local Core. It is still vital to revitalizing the Plan.
Son of a...*facepalm* Alright, I'm keeping my thought above there anyway XD I guess keeping the Core would thus keep The Plan, but then why would Mur want to destroy The Plan in its entirety?
And why was Mur so interested in exploring the Subnet, other than just to escape from the Architects? Well, I would guess he learned quote a bit they might not know about the possibilities of Submachine functions by exploring the wild and chaotic Submachines of the Subnet.
If you had a Karma Arm, wouldn't you explore the far reaches of the SubNet? XD
(Hey Rooster, didn't you say you and Vortex had been talking about Submachine programming somewhere? I can't find where you mentioned it...)
Former PastelForum, around the end of the "Sub9 Theories and Suggestions" Thread.