Then that is a mediocre definition of yourself Ko9.
The one we see via this forum chat that you choose to interact with.
But if you do have more depth, every person does.
It just a choice of what we choose to show.
Then that is a mediocre definition of yourself Ko9.
- Submachine.-What is your life about?
-Who do you want to be?
-What do you want to leave behind?
Started out as a Pastel Forum post I made in the older Pastel Forum two AD-pocalypse ago while I was in high school 7th or 8th grade. Its writing stuck with me and I made sure to copy it to a text file. It originally ended withWiQ wrote:All right. I have to say it otherwise I will go mad by the fact only I know this.
It wasn't until Materusz Skutnik conacted me when I added the lineWiQ wrote:Maybe the question can never be answered because the Submachine really does not exist at all.
All that? That is just one page. The second theory, the second page containing the bible quote completes the story, thus the character I made who did escape.WiQ wrote: "Wait...why am I here? Moreover...why did I find this relevant enough to write down?"
Rules of Reality # )$% wrote: S/he who is
S/he who is not