ASTRONOMY FTW! So what in astronomy you are interested in? I like Astropsychics and Black hole related stuff.
Me too!
So its seems like I've ask this a couple of times in a couple of places, but my interest in Submachine has a great deal to do with my interest in why people believe what they do. Submachine is a fantastic puzzle in its own right apart from the puzzles in the game and it is a great place to test my theories about why people believe what they do. I say all that to ask this: what is it about Submachine that has the astronomers excited?
Dunno... in my case I have liked astronomy since I was a child, and I just happened to like Submachine too when I played it, I can't think about any relation between those in my case, but maybe there's one :B
Dunno... in my case I have liked astronomy since I was a child, and I just happened to like Submachine too when I played it, I can't think about any relation between those in my case, but maybe there's one :B
Maybe its because the void looks like space. Also the floating submachines is related to space psychics.
Here a thought, in Portal 2 and 1, the part where Chell goes through the Modern Aperture Science test Chambers. My thought is what are they testing? I know the basic of an experiment is to see if a hypothesis someone has is true or not. The Experiment part is to see what happens in certain perimeters under certain conditions.
But the test chambers that Chell wakes up to go through, I really don't see what exactly what it is GLaDOs is trying to find. Because the chambers themselves are not like the everyday world, the machinery are not used all the time in the outside world, plus the Portal Gun only works on certain surface. But other than that, what are they trying to find out? If it was a test to see if a certain modified portal gun could work on the non-stander surface maybe, but that is not the case, So tell me, what is the point, or rather what are they trying to find out?