M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Sublevel 114 »

I don't like nor dislike tabletop games because I simply don't play them.
But I am also very interested to see how it can work. So I want to see it with my eyes.

Hope I will be able to kick S.H.I.V.A. butt in this game.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

More info from #chatter and Facebook:
cardd1.png (127.9 KiB) Viewed 8748 times
(Before you asked, I wanted to include all possible requests for info Mateusz was responding to, hence the semi-unnecessary multiple asks for more.)
cardf1.png (16.37 KiB) Viewed 8748 times
"Za szybko" apparently means "too fast", i.e. the game won't be out for a while.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Jatsko »

something something Artifact


I don't know. The idea of holding something tangible and officially Sub-related is exciting to me.

Also, guess Mat has officially left the forum since he's now announcing games everywhere except here :c
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

Oh, and this recap of the development cycle of the card game from Mateusz' own site should not go unnoticed. (Source.)
cardt.png (162.41 KiB) Viewed 8741 times
August 20th 2019

First sketches, and basic design

August 21st 2019

First prototype deck. Played and tested.

August 22nd 2019

Prototype 2 deck. Added 10 more cards. Played and tested.

Prototype 3 deck. Doubled two cards. Played and tested.

August 23rd 2019

Prototype 4 deck (final). Added 4 new unique cards, deck is complete, game done and fully playable.

August 25th 2019

Announcement teaser.

August 26th 2019

Game is revealed on social media.

A real, physical, tabletop card game that you play with your friends or family. It’s not a computer game. The game is completely developed, playable and tested on my friends who never played Submachine and they still loved it. Which is promising. Each play session will be unique, there’s no game board, your exploration takes you in different directions each time you play.
Long story short – I’m attacking new market with Submachine! Keep your fingers crossed and let me know if you’re interested in it.”
This confirms that, as Mateusz implied, this game really was made as a splurge of creativity during his small vacation from creating TBG. In four days too. I hope he's play tested it enough, though. I know some games accidentally get unfair exploits if not well balanced.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Jatsko »

Wow, six days? That's a lot shorter than I would have thought. Especially since the gameplay has "each session being unique". I wonder if it has rules adapted from another game or if it's completely new stuff.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread


Jatsko wrote:something something Artifact

Coming next is a Covert Front-themed Bridge Builder! XD
Jatsko wrote:I don't know. The idea of holding something tangible and officially Sub-related is exciting to me.
Same here!

Too bad there won't updates for S:CG in a long time, was really excited to know how the whole thing works.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

Jatsko wrote:Wow, six days? That's a lot shorter than I would have thought. Especially since the gameplay has "each session being unique". I wonder if it has rules adapted from another game or if it's completely new stuff.
My guess based on the
Each play session will be unique, there’s no game board, your exploration takes you in different directions each time you play.
statement is that the game has a bunch of Room Cards, possibly of the Basement and other areas, which you play to expand your play area. You'll change to a new "type" of area through a portal card. This naturally leads to a new "exploration" of the net every time.

EDIT: To clarify, I mean that you set cards on the table to create the "map", so to speak.
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

Okay, so we have new Facebook messages with interesting tidbits of info (mostly just laughs, but I'll gather them too).

From the teaser page we have:
revealf3.png (14.36 KiB) Viewed 8726 times
revealf4.png (22.31 KiB) Viewed 8726 times

And from the reveal page... oh boy...
cardf2.png (37.58 KiB) Viewed 8726 times
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

cardf3.png (25.12 KiB) Viewed 8726 times
cardf4.png (14.6 KiB) Viewed 8726 times

"Brzmi interesująco. Pytanie czy wyjdzie na polski rynek w wersji PL?"
"Sounds interesting. The question will be released on the Polish market in the PL version?"

"pewnie tak."
"probably so."
cardf5.png (14.83 KiB) Viewed 8726 times
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Re: M-A-T v2.0: General Mat Activity Thread

Post by Anteroinen »

And finally this thread.
cardf6.png (61.02 KiB) Viewed 8726 times

According to Google translate:

"Michał Stępowski tak mi się z Tobą zaraz skojarzyło nie wiem czy znasz"
"Michał Stępowski reminded me of you so I don't know if you know"

"Nic mi to nie mówi, ale nic dziwnego skoro testował tylko na grupie przyjaciół"
"This tells me nothing, but no wonder since he tested only on a group of friends"

"no na wersję analogową trzeba poczekać, póki co są cyfrowe"
"you have to wait for the analog version, for now they are digital"

"testowane na znajomych nie-fanach i na dzieciach. :D przechodzę do kolejnej fazy testów na prawdziwych graczach karciankowo-planszowych."
"tested on non-fan friends and on children. : D I go to the next phase of testing on real card and board players."

"Mateusz Skutnik to ten Pan Michał Stępowski to ekspert w dziedzinie☺"
"Mateusz Skutnik is this Mr. Michał Stępowski is an expert in the field"

"Bardzo mi miło. Grałbym z panem Michałem, ale mam tylko jeden deck, prototypowy."
"I'm very pleased. I would play with Mr. Michał, but I only have one prototype deck."

So now we also know of testing the deck with children. I imagine the cards must have been printed paper, otherwise... how would he even have tested it?
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