Vortex's theories

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Vortex's theories

Post by Vortex »

Kaluza-Klein Layer Theory

In the 1920s, the scientists Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein contemplated an extension of Albert Einstein's general relativity to account for the only other known force at that time, electromagnetism, in a single geometric theory. The theory predicted in an unified way, from the pure geometry of spacetime, the existence of gravity, electromagnetism, and even had room for an extra scalar field, usually known as the dilaton or radion.

But this theory had a problem: it required a fifth extra spatial dimension, curled up into a circle (the mathematical term is an U(1)-fiber bundle over the ordinary spacetime manifold). These ideas were mostly discarded with the advent of quantum mechanics, but even today, scientists are looking for extra compactified dimensions predicted by some theories of quantum gravity, like string theory.

Now, we know that the universe Submachine lives in has five spacetime dimensions. Four of them are already known to us: three for ordinary space and one for time. My theory is that the last one, the fifth dimension or axis through which the different layers and sub-layers are arranged, has the topology of a circle: a compact dimension. The seven main layers are marked points in this circle, with all the sub-layers lying in between.

But electromagnetism is already built into the quantum mechanics of the Submachine universe, so what other electromagnetism-like fundamental interaction could this extra dimension give rise to? The answer is right before our eyes: the karma interaction.

In analogy with ordinary electromagnetism, this karma force would be mediated by k-photons. There would also exist an analogue of electric charge, the karma charge, carried by k-leptons, the karmic version of electrons (and perhaps k-nucleons also exist). Karmically charged matter, stored in wisdom gems and some kinds of coil, could then be used to power up devices, as ordinary batteries do. There could exist atoms and molecules with k-leptons instead of electrons, mixed with ordinary molecules, which explains the restoring effect of focused karma (which we can see in action in Submachine 10) as the manipulation of karmic molecules sitting inside ordinary matter.

The eyes of native people from the Submachine universe would have evolved to see k-photons as well as ordinary photons. The corresponding cone and rod cells are capable of seeing white, blue and green karma light.

In general relativity, electrically charged rotating black holes (called Kerr-Newman black holes) exist, and, if they are properly stabilized, allow for their use as wormholes, including the capability of time travel. The same effects should be achieved with karmically charged rotating black holes, which would be precisely the karma portals Murtaugh is capable of making. The light karma portals emit is thus due to Hawking radiation (which also causes the karma portal to decay and disappear over time).

Karmic water is not really water, but a certain kind of matter whose atoms all have k-leptons. In liquid form at ambient temperature, it reacts when thin layers of it are exposed to brass or other k-leptonophile materials, expanding and creating patterns in the air which crystallize, as we can see in the Temple. The continuous excitation and deexcitation of k-leptons makes the water glow a green karma light, which is also the light that beamers can produce and concentrate.

K-leptons, by their charged nature, have a constant velocity component over the fifth dimension, proportional to their karma-charge-to-mass ratio, as the Kaluza-Klein theory demonstrates. This allows them to have an effect over several layers at once, which is partially responsible for the known destructive effects of unfocused karma energy. The navigator talkes advantage of this effect, karmically charging the user so as to transport them to another layer. This only works when the corresponding beamer is active, since the navigator must ensure the user is charged with a certain reference velocity over the fifth dimension. As the architects of the Plan discovered, it is possible to "dope" certain special k-leptonophile materials with karmic water to make structures and devices persistent between layers.

What about the forgotten dilaton? This field basically controls the size of the curled up dimension, i.e. the "nearness" of the layers, which is allowed to vary in space and time. Normally the dilaton is stabilized, with a constant value that keeps all layers separate. However, in the Knot, the high concentration of karmic materials causes the dilaton field to drastically drop its value, effectively making all layers collapse into one. Related to this is the concept of vertical loop. As horizontal loops are related to an anomaly in the time dimension, so are vertical loops related to anomalies in the radial dimension, or the size of objects. As an horizontal loop makes the person who is exiting it to go back in time to when they enter it, so does a vertical loop make small sized objects repeat the structure of the Universe at the largest scales.

How does the layer of light fit into all this? As we know, the eighth layer freely floats over the seven main layers and their sub-layers. This could mean that this layer is somehow extended through all the others. This behavior is similar to the one of the indeterminate "number" 0/0. This expression contains, in some sense, every other number, since if for any X, X*0=0, then X=0/0. A mathematical structure containing 0/0 is called a wheel: analogously, the eighth layer would be the center of the wheel formed by all the remaining layers, "touching" or "containing" every other layer but at the same time different from all of them. It is also known that the layer of light is coupled to the time dimension in a similar manner, "touching" or "containing" every moment of time, so that time appears frozen from the perspective of an observer inside it. The name "layer of light" is given after the light emitted by the k-leptons caused by the friction of movement. In that way, frozen beams of white karma light appear whenever there is movement next to a high concentration of karmic materials, like in the Temple.
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Re: Vortex's theories

Post by Jatsko »

You know, I have to say I went back and reread this, and I'm really impressed. If all the science is true (or, at least the applied logic makes sense) then this is a really solid foundation for the explanation of some basic workings of the subnet. I wish during theory voting I had read in between the lines a bit more, and now I'm glad I just took the time to do so :D
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Re: Vortex's theories

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Thanks for taking the time to read it, glad you like it! :D

All the science concepts I used are legit. Some interpretations might be a bit forced, but I tried to make sure everything makes sense :)
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Re: Vortex's theories

Post by Jatsko »

No, it does :D I had to look up the science behind it for more information but it was well worth my time.
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Re: Vortex's theories

Post by Vortex »

New theory, it's still a work in progress but here it goes. It's meant to be an extension of the concepts in the KK Layer theory to explain more Subnet phenomena.
Like with the other theory I tried to think about the simplest physical explanations that don't contradict the stuff we know, but I can't rule out possible mistakes. Criticism is much appreciated :)

Portals and Virtual Sublayers Theory

A virtual sublayer is a sublayer consisting of networks made of a certain (usually green) karmic material, which is highly malleable and capable of conducting k-leptons. This material can be made to form certain shapes, images or text by applying a karma charge differential at certain points, and it can also be directly physically manipulated. The main use of a virtual sublayer is to serve as a physical substrate to the algorithms and protocols that control the Submachine, and to allow maintenance units (sub-bots) to access and manipulate some of said protocols. Virtual sublayers can also be used as a model or blueprint for constructing new locations, as is evidenced by location 672. This is probably how the room structure of the Defense Systems was created.

A way to directly access a virtual sublayer is through the use of a connection pod in a terminal enabled to that effect. This physically teleports the user to an interface within the corresponding virtual sublayer, where manipulation is partially enabled depending on the user's credentials (as seen in Submachine 6).

S.H.I.V.A. is an Artificial Intelligence who lives in the virtual sublayers. Its original purpose is still unknown, but a reasonable possibility is that it was created to monitor over the Plan and report any issues to the operators in observation rooms. For that purpose, they constructed virtual sublayers using previously empty regions of the layer structure (regions originally filled with Void); much later, S.H.I.V.A. became sentient in a singularity-like event and took over the networks of virtual sublayers. S.H.I.V.A., by its nature, cannot easily access anything other than these virtual sublayers, so he created sub-bots to make maintenance tasks easier. Other methods of maintenance, such as karmic veins, are likely to be comparatively much slower.

Lab portals and binary portals make heavy use of virtual sublayers. The sequence of steps that a portal would follow in order to teleport its user is:

- Teleport them to a virtual sublayer by dynamic k-lepton charging (one needs a van der Graaf generator -at least two small metallic balls accumulating karma charge, which also act as a source of energy for the portal as shown in location 404-. A predefined amount of karma charge is then released onto the user and dispersed onto the medium once they reach the virtual sublayer).

- Use a Subwarp Loader program to travel to the requested node in the XYZ location grid (if it is connected to the portal network).

- Teleport from that node to the desired sublayer using the destination's portal, whose van der Graaf generator must have been activated synchronously with the first.

The entire process usually happens in a matter of milliseconds, but some Subwarp Loaders have implemented a message system to inform the user of any possible issues.

These portals were originally developed by S.H.I.V.A. exclusively for its subbots; eventually, however, some humans managed to access the underlying program and modified it to allow manual coordinate input. As one can see in the Submachine games, different virtual sublayers have different loaders and different XYZ location grids, and a single portal can be connected to different grids at different points in time (like the lab portal at 001).

Root portals use a more rudimentary method: the connections between locations are made directly through cables. The user chooses the target sublocation by means of cipher plates, so that the corresponding circuit is activated; static k-lepton charging (without a generator) is then achieved by touching the button, transporting the player to the desired sublocation. This early method of teleportation is rather unreliable, as it depends on ordinary wiring subject to possible deterioration, and would only really work for short distances where signal attenuation is not a problem.

Another method of short-range teleportation is the light sphere: it consists of a stable combination of ordinary electromagnetic radiation and karmic-radiation (in technical terms, a soliton), rapidly changing sublayers in the THz frequency range around a given layer, and confined onto a small-sized excitation. The high-frequency oscillation allows the user holding it to pass through solids without being harmed; however, since it has a nonzero charge, a pair of metallic light crowns is needed to hold it in place for teleportation purposes, otherwise it has a risk of disintegrating upon sharing its charge with the user (as happens at the end of Submachine 10).
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Re: Vortex's theories

Post by Jatsko »

Copied from Submachine Wiki

Einstein the Cat Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-04-11, Doubtful 2011-04-25, Debunked 2016-01-13
Flash location: CAT
In the 1900s, Albert Einstein was between the scientists who helped to build the first Submachine.

Later, he became famous for his theory of relativity, which was a result of the studies that he was doing on the submachine.

At his death, he reincarnated in a cat, which is actually the black cat that Murtaugh found at the lighthouse, mentioned in his notes in Sub2. In this form, Einstein acquired special karma abilities that allowed him to travel through space-time. His mission now is saving the Submachine from being destroyed, so he has stayed close to Mur for preventing him to damage the Submachine.

He told Liz about his plans, and now she's helping Einstein in his mission.
I suppose there's no stopping this from being deleted if a certain mod isn't happy with it :P
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Re: Vortex's theories

Post by Vortex »

Apocryphactor wrote:I suppose there's no stopping this from being deleted if a certain mod isn't happy with it :P
don't tempt me XD
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