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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Anteroinen »

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"Nyuu is just like, constant catface." - Limpasta

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LT, talking about the Pope: "Hello, your Holiness. Spank me."

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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Empoeria »

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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Jatsko »


So I don't want to be a killjoy or anything, and it's obviously too late after we're already 24 pages deep in this, but technically the forum does have a rule about members agreeing not to post obscene content. Which is weak to bring up now, hell, this forum has a long history of above.

I mean, it's not like any of this is directed toward another person, but you can't deny certain places are full of sexual innuendos in particular that could be classified as obscene. Personally I feel that 99.9999999999999999% of it is just random light-hearted banter that's not gonna affect anyone, but I may as well just post the reminder that obscene content shouldn't be posted. But again I trust that everyone knows what obscene content is over the line, and of course the mods can always edit out or delete what they don't like.

It's also all quotes from outside sources most of the time, so eh.

So yeah. Make of that what you will. [ retreats back into the shadows ]
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Empoeria »

gentle reminder you in fact opened this thread with a sexual innuendo uwu✿

but let's just agree we'll try to be mindful and the mods may use their absolute power to interfere if necessary

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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc


I don't think this forum has enough activity and new users to warrant an objetive control of what's being posted, specially considering this is the one of the only late threads that have enough activity and users participating on it, if I were to enforce something that has low potential to offend someone and may dwindle good part of the currently very low activity this forum has nowdays, I don't know how much threads and users will be active then.

I mean, I would like to do some "Mod duties" and enforce something, but I think that dealing with issues means to prevent stuff that could potentially drive off a lot of people out of the forum, rather than extinguishing one of the few last hotspots of activity we have here.
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Empoeria »

To be fair, to think that enforcing any rules about limiting obscene content would decrease forum activity is kind of on par with saying "people are only here to be offensive shitlords", which is not true.
So to say you don't want to enforce certain rules (which btw, I've actually never seen any such rules mentioned/enforced in the first place?) just because you don't want to limit forum activity is kinda weak. We'll find things to post about regardless.

Point being, in your role as mod, your job is to be aware of forum rules and to enforce them as you deem necessary. Now if you say "I don't mind the obscene jokes being made in this thread so far" that's one thing. But if you think some of the jokes we have already made here go too far either because you think they're offensive or not rated E for Everyone, then it's your prerogative to let people know exactly what is and is not fine to post, and then edit/remove posts if needed.

Personally I don't see a problem with any activity in this thread so far; people usually speak up if something bothers them and usually users around here don't make posts just for the sake of being edgy or offensive save for a select few
Also if this were a recurring issue I'd make sure to refer members to wherever the rules are posted anyway (which, as I said, I was never made aware of such a thing existing; which is not to say I think it's kind of common sense not to be overly obscene/offensive and the jokes I've made here are just pure banter)
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc


Well, I didn't mean that people come to this thread only for posting obscene things, but that I don't demn it necessary to cull any activity produced no matter the context given as long as somone is offended by something.

I will take action when is demned necessary.
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Anteroinen »

Things getting heated in the moderation fandom.
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by Anteroinen »

[12:24:11 AM] <Punmann> somebody put LT's language setting back onto English


[12:47:10 AM] <godmotherofacactus> "how dare you Ant, you're not a good"
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Re: Freaking Quotes Wiki jfc

Post by LittleTornado »

05.06.2018 18:39
Ant: I have several positive characteristics other than perversion.

34.06.2018, 00:25
Ant: I'm am setting up the housewife to do the data mining for me.
Totally a human. Honest!
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